Bollukus Eventicus
Sunday, August 31, 2003
  SOOOOO some BIG news here - ...secondnature... are playin The Krazy House on Friday September 19th (I know everyones meant to be out that weekend for PPP's b'day thingy but you can stretch a few quid no?!) Theyre supportin Trapt. Some will have heard of em theyre a fast-rising American nu-metal band an I say we all go down there an watch the Natureboys upstage em no end!!!!

Had a decent night last night twas cool to see Floof back out again!! :o)
Although have to say I wasnt happy with everyones rather abrupt departures (sorry but I fuckin hate that) an cept for Kayte an Lyns no-one even bothered to say bye!!

Never mind anyway I'm gonna go now although to do what I have no idea......... 
Saturday, August 30, 2003
  Just a very quick post coz Ive already done one today - PPP I would but I dont have your addy either!!! I'm so go nuts!! :o)

Also mush respect to Chimaira for using the word 'cunt' in a song. Sorry but thats just classy.  
  So heres a shocker - I had a good night last night in, wait for it, Le Bateau!! Or as I like to call it now Cock Sick Sweaty (for no particular reason you understand but I think it suits it well). Then when I got home I had a dream about being back there only Wayne Static was there too (whassupwitdat?!) so that tells you how pissed I, er, wasnt! He does have cool hair though...............................

Ooooo only three weeks of work to go now!! Still think its probably a bad thing but its got its perks (not workin that is) an I'm SUPPOSED to be goin to a wedding reception tonight (bleurgh!!) for Julie in work. The place is near Bootle (bleurgh!!) but not sure if I'm goin yet. Hmmmm......

OK I just sat here doing nothing for about 5 minutes then. I have nothing left to say. 
Thursday, August 28, 2003
  So last night was fun. Honest. Why dont parents know their own children? They live with them all their lives then still have no clue as to how they think or who they are. I was SO close to puching my own father last night, after gettin verbals and physical provocation but managed to, somehow (and I dont actually know why) NOT hit him. I instead just walked out of the house. Thank fuck I ran into Mike coz I dont know what the fuck I would have done coz I wasnt gonna be goin home til late. I just realised I dont even know why I'm posting this but I guess I just wanna say somethin to clear my own head at least. God I need to move out................... 
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
  1. Work was shitter than ever today.

2. I forgot to mention also that The Used sucked at Leeds too.

3. Oi "Lady" H that birthday one was mine did you bollocks make that up!! *Looks suspiciously at "Laydee" K*

4. If youre (not specifically "you" but you plural) not gonna be my friend or if you intend to stop being my friend do me a favour an just fuckin tell me coz its not worth the bother.

5. I'm STILL fucked from the weekend an that aint gonna change til Saturday afternoon. :o)

6. There is no number six.

7. This way number six is way funnier.

8. Bye. :oD 
Monday, August 25, 2003
  Oooo I forgot a couple of bands there!!

Finch - disappointed I have to say. Theyre hit and miss for me on record but I wasnt impressed by their live show - failed to capture the atmosphere their songs create maybe coz it was outdoors?

Alien Ant Farm - REALLY good they were! I like them as it is but now I like em more coz I like to think I'm hard to impress when it comes to live stuff an they pulled it off. Really tight an the vocals were immaculate throughout.

I think thats everyone now...................... 
  So I is home and I feel like I'm floating. Not coz it was great, but coz I'm FUCKED! You know that feeling you get in your shoulders right after you put somethin heavy down that youve been luggin round for ages? Yeah well my whole body has felt like that all day an its weird...................

Anywayz Leeds was cool, not the greatness Download had coz the line up was pretty gay to say the least but twas still fun gettin fucked up with mates. (When isnt it I ask you?) OK bands I saw :-

Kinesis - impressive for a relatively new band. However their enthusiasm cost them when the bassist pulled his lead out in an extravagant leap off the stage and the singer/guitarist broke his strap somehow and was out of action for a good portion of one song. But good on the whole.

Hell is for Heroes - Excellent. Really tight, and despite not really being a big fan of their stuff they were really impressive live an well worth checking out.

System of a Down - They own you. This band can and will do whatever the hell they want whenever the hell they want, if they want to. Anyone hear or read about the guy who got trapped underneath the barricade, forcing them to stop mid-song? Yeah well I was standin next to him. I mean right-next-screaming-in-agony-in-my-face next to him. Twas fuckin scary. I went my ass three times myself an thank you to the random people on hand to save my life I WOULD be dead right now were it not for you. But back to the point SOAD are now officially my second favourite live band. They just went past Disturbed in those stakes, and that takes a HELL of a lot of doing I can tell you better than most can.

Metallica - everything you would expect. They were awesome. Phenomenally prominent yet exquisitely precise at the same time and I was really pleased coz Ive seen footage on TV an whatnot that I wasnt impressed with an I'm glad they didnt disappoint.

Electric Six - COOL! They were super really they were! Loved Gay Bar an they finished with a cover of Radio Ga-Ga which ruled liked a Communist ruler can only dream of ruling. But seriously ther were actually good musically as well as bein funny so twas all good!

Blink 182 - not a fan but was impressed all the same. They didnt so anythin special but they played well so fair enough I s'pose.

Linkin Park - disappointed. I'm not a huge fan but I like what they do an I was hopin for more. Ther were bland. Not awful, not great. Not anything really. We walked off mid-set to get pissed coz its way more fun. They fucke up the harmonies to Papercut (you know what I mean dont pretend you dont!) an that was the end for us.

I actually didnt see ANY other bands (cept Blur but sadly I collapsed (no really) after only about 3 songs) coz it was that shit but on the whole the weekend itself was a larf an I nearly died at least three times so I must have been doin sonethin right! 
Monday, August 18, 2003
  So wow that was a violent post! Oh well..........................

This is gonna be my last postage now til after Leeds an other than for that fact I wouldnt even be on here probably!! Never mind. I just wanna re-iterate the gig tomorrow (or today if its Tuesday) (or yesterday if its now Wednesday - how far should I take this? Meh that'll do) at Hannah's - gonna start round 9ish apparently YOU MUST GO!!

Oh and of course One Less of Them on Wednesday too at Casa Bar - methinks round 8ish for that one but not sure :oP

I wanna point out that last post wasnt aimed at anyone in particular (really Ang it wasnt!) I just worded it badly coz I was pissed at the time!! But its damn true. Yeah.

So yeah anywayz off to Leeds Thursday for a big feckin booze-up really! Not too assed about any of the bands to be honest but there'll be loads of us an we'll all be drunk so I dont give a shit. :oD So I'm sure I'll be back this time next week with plenty of grreat stories that could only happens to yours truly. You know you love them really..............................

And as of today I have exactly one month left of teenagedom (its a word!) so I'm REALLY fuckin scared. Gonna be 20. Ewww that little 2 there freaks me out so much I dont think I can handle it. GO AWAY!! :o( I'm old. (Well nearly)
Gonna be a great week though coz its Perfect Circle Wednesday (not that I have tix yet but surely I'll be there?!?!), my b'day Thursday - will be out gettin totally fucked that night!! Then Fridays my last day in work an I vow here and now to go back in after dinner totally pissed! I WILL do it.......................

Well thats it from me for now see y'all tomorrow and/or Wednesday hopefully toodles!! 
  OK Kayte I totally feel what youre saying!! So many people are full of so much shit for each other it sickens me and it really fucks my head up when people let shit like that get in the way of what they feel towards their friends an I just wanna let everyone know that I feel the same way. If you give a shit then I probably care more but if you couldnt care less then I kindly suggest that you fuck off for everyone's sake. Coz I wont put up with you after I finish workin with you so unless you mean the shit you say then I suggest that you kindly fuck off coz I cant be assed with people who are full of all kinds of shit that means fuck all to yourself an everyone else so do everyone a favour an fuck off! I wont tolerate bullshit from ANYONE now so whoever you are be straight up with me no matter how fucked up you think it might be coz I'll have more respect for you that way an the chances of us bein friends are greatly increased by that!! So, in other words, if you wanna stay in my life, make the effort to stay in contact coz otherwise its over for us an thats it! I'm sick an tired of bein let down by "friends" an I'm not gonna put myself into the position where it can happen anymore I'm through with it all so if you wanna be my friend I'm open to you, so make yourself open to me. If not, then fuck off coz I've lost time for people like you an theres more important things and more important people to worry about. Goodnight. 
Sunday, August 17, 2003
  So Friday was a strange night. Started drinkin from about 4 in the afternoon on an empty stomach (not a good idea) then decided to make a night of it. Ended up in The Swan with Mr. 779, Jen, Vicky, some guy named Jools (possibly Jules but this way its funnier) an some girl called Terri (Bootle people). At some point for some reason, we decided (and I agreed) that we were gonna go to Toxic Sweaty. And toxic it was. And sweaty it was too. Also bumped into Noodle Boy an he came along too for a wee bit. But the night was kinda boring and uneventful til Peet turns up, rios the shit out of people who will go un-named, I laughed hysterically and that was the highlight of the night. Oh yeah some girl Laura had the audacity to say I wsa out of tune! I WAS HARMONISING!!! Sheesh...........

Anywayz we split at the end of the night, Vicky pissed me off for the last time (she doesnt know it yet but she will when she ever bothers to get in touch) and that was the end of that night.

But onto the next week!! OK Tuesday, in case anyone doesnt know and is interested (you fuckin should be!!) the guys have a gig at Hannah's Bar on Hardman St - its a Battle of the Bands so all the support they can get will be greatly appreciated. Then on Wednesday its the big night for Mr 779 an his gang. Theyre playin Casa Bar on Hope Street - not sure of times an stuuf an if anyones interested in that I'll get onto it an let everyone know. By the way, in case you didnt know, theyre called One Less of Them an heres hopin they can rock us!!!

See y'all soon!! :o) 
Saturday, August 16, 2003
  So since I knew I wasnt gonna be workin at good old TCO past 19/9, I'd been considerin some options. The obvious choice (and the one I'm goin for by the way) is just find another dead-end job. Only this time I intend to see the plan all the way through and actually do my course at the same time, rather than makin workin an excuse NOT to do it. So plenty of encouragement please, I'll need it!!

But another option WAS to go to uni coz, despite what people tend to think of 19-year old full-time workers, I am NOT thick, in fact far from it, and could walk onto a uni course if I wanted. That would be the easy, less scary thing to do and I had to rewind 18 months to decide whether or not it was somethin I wanted to do. I reached the same conclusion as I did then - I'm sick of goin home an still not bein able to relax. I'm sick of bein told things that are wrong by people older, richer, uglier and stupider than me. Take my word for it - you didnt go to West Derby!! But people say uni is where you "find yourself". Y'know what? Its a pile of shite. It just happens to be thats where it happens for people who go. It happens for everyone, whether you go to uni or not. Its just that time of your life where you have to stand alone for the first time an you get to make all the decisions, you realise what youre really capable of an what it is you really want.

I didnt go to uni basically coz there was no point. Anyone who disagrees with that can kindly suggest what the point would have been. Pleasin other people isnt a priority to me when it comes to makin life altering decisions an thats another reason why I didnt go. Pressure from the family wasnt gonna make me do anythin I didnt want an it never will. You know what the worst thing anyones ever said to me is? "I cant even look at you without wanting to be sick." Yeah thanks mum. THAT was her reaction to the news I wasnt goin to uni an she was like that with me for about a month.

The uni thing is still a faint possibility if things dont work out but the plan is not to so there. I WILL do my course and I WILL make a success of it. Coz I want to and I can. Hello Job Centre! 
Thursday, August 14, 2003
  I have a creative mind. I dont use it. Well I do but not to the extent I should. I have a shitload of ideas an nothin to do with them. I actually counted yesterday and I have 9 poems/songs/structured rantings whatever you wanna call em an theyre just sittin on my hard drive in work doin feck all. So I figure the least I can do is smack em on here an make it look like I have something interesting to say!! I wrote this one in work yesterday - its called Enami:-

Someone will fall.

Only time will tell which one it is to suffer most.
Things cannot go on this way. Someone will fall soon.
Neither one cant see the light yet both must fear to stride.
Wary as they are of fate, and whether it is doom.

Holding back from giving in, though unafraid to scare.
One will learn a mighty class and one will teach no more.
The haunting thought of mass destruction thrown to dis-suggestion.
Clocks are ticking time is moving watch them fight to fall.

Separation imminent.
Who will stand more tall?
Aspirations consequent.
Watch them fight to fall.

One is striding far ahead as everybody witness.
Yet discarding rivals only leads to discontent.
One is too afraid to try and no-one will know why.
Developing a self-assessment thriving upon vent.

Leaders unaware of rivalry existence.
Trailers lacking confidence to start pushing more.
The contest wont begin until the contest is over.
And when its over both will know while watching their foe fall.

Separation imminent.
Who will stand more tall?
Aspirations consequent.
Watch them fight to fall.

A third party enters the fray completely unaware.
But the only way above is trying just to scare.

Someone will fall.

Thats it for now from me!! Theres more where that came from.................. 
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
  Ok so I just got back from seein Pirates of the Caribbean - it fuckin rules man!! Seriously its is the best film Ive seen this year, an thats includin Final Destination 2 (soz Ippie but it really was that good) an I know people always go on about films they JUST saw bein all boss an stuff, but this seriously is. Anyone who is even remotely interested in writing of any kind should be able to appreciate the genius script that accompanies the brilliant storyline, twists and turns and some of the finest acting performances Ive seen in a long time. Honestly, I often say this - that I'm not gay but I'm not averse to suggesting how attractive men are, and ladies I'm here to say you couldnt do much better than Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp. Depp was brilliant and seriously deserves consideration for awardy type things.

And before I go, yes J-A crumpets DO rule!! Not as much as flumps though........ 
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
  By the way the Perfect Circle thing was a joke I wouldnt expect a gift of nearly such magnitude from anyone. 
  So I feel kinda weird now. I got told about 1h30mins ago in work that they were ending my employment there on 19-09-2003. So that means I got 5 full weeks left. I wanted to stay on coz I didnt mind it, in fact I'm fairly sure I was the only person in the whole office who didnt hate it!! But I did wanna stay on, so now I feel unemployed. Even though theres ages yet til I finish. I'm gonna miss just havin somethin to do coz if theres one thing that annoys me more than anythin its waking up and having no reason to get out of bed. The world will go on fine without you, so really theres not a lot of point to makin the effort to get dressed. Ah well, at least therell be less laundry to do!! But seriously I'm disappointed coz theres a few real good friends there that I'll miss a lot, and I do genuinely hope that they will keep in touch. But worry not, coz I'm sure I'll find somethin just as good if not better in relatively quick time, coz I dont wanna be skint coz then I wont get to see anyone!! Its all gravy though coz theres a lot of stuff I dont get to do coz I work full time so maybe some time out would be a good thing. :o) 
Monday, August 11, 2003
  OK so if anyone is tumped as to what to get me for my birthday (you didnt know?!) feel free to buy me tix to see A Perfect Circle on the 17th of September in Manchester. Thats the day before my b'day so it would be poifect!! No pressure...... 
Sunday, August 10, 2003
  My God get the fuck over it! So many people have so much to say about themselves just feelin sorry for themselves for the most ridiculous of reasons. What the fuck is up with you?! Get over it and get over yourself coz theres more important things to worry about than stressin over fuckin how you look an how you think other people portray you. Fuck me its so annoying when I hear people whining about the most trivial of issues. No-one gives a shit so stop feeling sorry for yourself and fucking well realise that unless you have REAL problems then no-ones is gonna sincerely help you or feel sorry for you. Is that even what you want? I dont even know anymore. I used to think that there were some seriously fucked up people around but the vast majority of them are just melodramatic arse-holes who want attention. FUCK OFF! I applaud what Mike said in his last post (a while back now I know but I feel so much of that) and its somethin that really should be adhered to more often than it is. Just stop bein such a moaner and get on with whats good in your life, instead of letting things that matter not to fuck with your head. Coz youll lose friends and it'll just end up being even worse, so do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up. Sounds harsh I know but theres some people with real problems that need your help and youre caught up in your own pathetic issues that mean fuck all. Stop it. Its old and its tired and its not clever. 
  In light of my previous post I'm not gonna rant here about how pissed off I am about last night. Surprisingly its not coz of what you might think is the obvious reason, but quite frankly pretty much everyone who was out last night pissed me off one way or another. Well actually no that isnt true not everyone did. If I know you and you were in the Kray last night and youre not Skip, AK, J-A, Peet or Amy then I'm angry at you. I'll let you ponder it and wonder why, and like I said its not what you'd think. But I'm past caring, as anyone who reads this will already know so anyone who might even think about giving a fuck can save their apologies. Fuck it. 
Saturday, August 09, 2003
  I have come to a conclusion literally in the last half hour, that I am now going to live my life in coherence with the "big picture" theory. That is, that in actual fact, IT doesnt matter. Think about it long enough and hard enough and the end result is, it doesnt matter. Now I realise that for a lot of people this might be easier said than done. Dont get me wrong that applies to me too (notice the complete LACK of self-righteousness or get out of my blog) but I am determined to stop getting pissed off at things and stop getting upset at things that matter less than a dessert after a dessert. People are too cooked up about things that are going wrong in their lives, and when that happens everything just seems worse. But I encourage dwelling on these issues in a moments alone time, realising that a) you have people to help you that matter more than the problem youre dealing with b) it really REALLY doesnt change the significance of ones personality or ones life as long as you dont let it and c) it could be worse.

Again I must reiterate that I recognise the disgust some may feel at reading this and I get that but I genuinely do encourage you to rise above your issues, whatever they are, allowing random outbursts of emotion, be it anger, frustration, distress or anything else you might feel, and then letting it go. Live the way you want to, and dont let things that are out of your control dominate who you are and how you live.

Furthermore, (sorry I am nearly done) I would like to point out that, contrary to what apparently is most peoples opinion, I have taken months upon months, even years to reach this conclusion. Sparked by two simple phone calls in quick succession, I realise what I think is best. I concluded what I have already mentioned and I only have one thing left to say. Fuck it. 
Friday, August 08, 2003
  So I'm sat in the house on a Friday night. Its weird, coz I usually only stay in on Fridays if I'm too hungover from Thursday, and I'm not this week. Hmmmm maybe I will go out. Oh I cant decide......................

Work was SHIT today coz we had nothin to do most of the day so I just sat around on my ass spinnin round on my chair, but even that doesnt stay exciting forever!! On a happier note I did manage to hit my work chum Angela in the eye with an elastic band, so that was fun. ;o) Also I shot some out of our window at the "goffs" hangin round by the courts and hit one on the head. Not a bad feat from the 3rd floor! Twas funny too coz he looked up as if a bird had shat on him from a great height!!!!!! Its quite amusin actually coz everyone in work always goes, "eh Nick, are they all your mates down there? All dem goffs by the courts?" To which I simply respond, "no."

So apologies to everyone (again!) for the fucked up email I sent out! Y'know the Weakest Link one? Yeah well the image thats supposed to be on the end of it is a picture of the guy theyre all dissin (Robin) holdin his card to write names on up sayin "SUCK MY COCK" for the world to see. Tis great stuff an its just a shame my email thingymajig (oh yeah thats how you spell it) fucks up attachment stuff so much coz its really not the same unless you see it. Oh well....................

I still cant decide whether or not to go out......................................

Should I just go (to Le Bateau (no 's') eeeeuuurrgh!!) for the hell of it an risk bein hungover tomorrow, or save my dosh for Saturday?? I smell bad too, so I'd have to get a shower an I really cant be assed, plus my hairs gone a nasty salmon pink colour again so I need to do it again. Hmmm I'm thinkin stay in. But I wanna be pissed!! Oh its not fair. Mind you Le Bateau (no 's' again) smells anyway maybe they wont notice. And what does it matter anyway coz theyre all 14 year olds too busy huddlin up in groups of 23 coz theyre scared to be alone! Then again I'd have to get a cab on my own. Hmmm pricey........................

Thursday, August 07, 2003
  I'll start things off with a big happy boifdee to Anna!! :o) Was that yesterday? Or is that a confusing question..........................?!?! Oh well hope it was fun!

Secondly I would like to point out how cool my nan is. Seriously she fuckin rocks!! She even knows who Metallica are AND she cooks me jam pasties so there.

Also I'd like to say how much I think I dont see enough of people. This workin full time livin in an awkward place (well you lot more than me but still) lark seriously hinders the sociability I'd like to have. So yeah for future reference, if youre in Town of a daytime on a week day, giz a shout an we can meet (aimed at anyone who actually bothers to read this) coz my dinners are terrifyingly uneventful and a lunchtime rendez-vous would make my mornings a helluvalot easier! Seriously I mean this, or even if youre around later I hate comin home from work an all!!

Changing the subject slightly, Mark (bud from work) an Mike (his mate) have a gig on the 20th (day after ...secondnature... at Hannahs) at the Casa Bar on Hope Street - its their first ever an its private but I'm sure they'd appreciate some friendly support if anyone fancies goin. Have to lemme know though coz I think theres gonna be some kind of ticket thing goin on or sommat. I guess there'd have to be......................

Oh and also could anyone who I sent that getting to know you thing do me a favour an send it back to me (the full version if poss!!) coz I forgot what I said on some of em an I wanna know. Sorry again for sendin it 4 times by the way............!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
  So T3 is a damn good film!! Went today with daddio so all was paid for nicely for me so twas a good evenin!! seriously though the films boss an Arnie gets away with actin like a robot coz he is one! :D

Found out today that my contract in work isnt likely to get extended past 12/9 so I'll soon be back to the bored, skint lay about most of you will never have met before. Its not a pretty sight and you can expect a bombardment of texts and emails, most of which will be non-sensical so apologies in advance, but you still gotta reply to em otherwise I'll be all lonely. :o(

On a happier note, er, *tries desperately to think of somethin cheery to post*


OK preted I posted those two paras in reverse order, that way it ends on a happy note, not a morbid one. There thats better. 
Monday, August 04, 2003
  Zoolander is shite. 
  So that was a weird weekend.................... Didny do a lot Saturday til goin to Caitis in the evening, and the expected sticking-out-like-a-sore-thumb kinda ensued, not too bad though, coz I managed to guzzle plenny of beer an give myself a bit of a boost. Stayed over til Sunday, when me Dave an Paolo just sat on our arses all day doin fuck all other than eat, watch TV, watch a film and play PS2. Had a few more beers, decided it was time to go home once it hit 3am, what with bein in work an all the next day......................!!

Work was a bit gay too so I left a bit early, and now I'm off to watch Zoolander on Sky Movies. Aint seen it, heard its decent, like Stiller, so should be OK at least. In the house alone too so I dont like bein on the computer now coz I have my back to the back window an our yard is scary............................ 
Saturday, August 02, 2003
  OI Leckthy!! (*Says Lexy with a lisp* *Doesnt know why*) I dont really know you that well so I never really read your blog but everyones been goin on about it so I thought I'd take a look to see what everyone was goin on about so I did. BIG congrats an stuff!!! :o)

WOW I cant believe yesterday in work!! I was there til 8 for the first time ever and guess what! Go on guess!

I bet you didnt.............. Oh well. In my job we're supposed to phone people up now an again but I always shit out coz I hate phones as it is and I dont want some fat Brummie yellin down the phone at me tellin me how shit we are (he would be right) so I normally just bottle it and write a letter instead, but yesterday I plucked up the courage and I did it! AND it went well so I did it again!! YAY ME!!!!!!

So I had another weird night last night. Met Vicky and went drinking in the Jac. We were encountered by a group of strange work types not from Liverpoo (NOT a typo) who started talkin about "proper mosher" music, coz apparently one of them liked Metallica or somethin. Then one of em went off on one to his mates about people who wear glasses (she was) and how he never notices and people in glasses are just paranoid. OK so tell me, what exactly inspired this outburst? Hmmm?! All of this going on while I (yes ME) was sitting right there! Anywayz, the Vicky thing went OK ish, still not sure yet though. hmm...........

Went the Kray bumped into a shitload of people, some of whom I'm bound to forget so sorry if its you! Er, George, Paulo, Mike, Lady H, Lee, Kayte, Mr 779, Mercer, Nikki, Nikki 2, Andy (I think thats his name!), Double G, Jenny, Jenny-Ann, er, hope thats everyone! :) Oh yeah an a few old school buddies were outside (prolly on way to Walkabout eeeuurgh!) but that was cool.

Had a good talk with J-A which was cool an Gay-orrrr-gay too about stuff - y'know people know more than we give them credit for and thats probably a good thing in this case. And while we're on the point I just wanna say how much I hate it when people start to drift. You get to know someone, get to know their friends, then all of a sudden youre friends with all of them, but the original one has drifted away and the only contact you have is coincidental purely coz you now have some of the same friends. Its a shame coz it makes me think they think I dont want them as a friend, when really theyre still probably the most important one to me, at least in that circle, specially when I'm still not certain I'm part of that circle and the first one you knew is the reason why it REALLY matters. Obviously in time the others are close now too and much loved, and maybe thats why? I dunno oh well........................

Off to Ki-eee-tee's tonight for a house-do type thing coz shes goin away (I thing she said Mauritius, maybe Maldives not sure. It did begin with an 's' though) What the fuck I just read that and I put 's'!! I mean 'm'. Anywayz should be cool what with the band there (I assume) and all their girlies. That used to be really hard for me! Take last New Year for example. We're all in Peet's, all the band, all their g/fs and me. Its SO hard, and not just coz I dont know them as well as they know each other, but when they all have something in common thats SO great and SO special, you cant help but feel a little out of place and it used to really bother me. It aint so bad now coz a lot of them are friends now in their/my own right but it still concerns me before I go.............................

Holy shit this is a long post so cheers to everyone whos still reading!! Toodles! 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


07.03 / 08.03 / 09.03 / 10.03 / 11.03 / 12.03 / 01.04 / 02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 04.05 / 05.05 / 06.05 / 07.05 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 10.05 /

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