Bollukus Eventicus
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
  Yep I just changed my template back its a wee bit smaller now but looks cool methinks!! I didnt do it properly I think I cheated a bit so I still need you to show me how to do it pwoperly pweese!! :o) 
  OK so I FINALLY worked out how to do it I feel like such a loser but hey at least I know aht I'm doin now! I think...............................................

So yeah most interesting thing I did today?? Come on you know youve been dying to know!! I went ALL the way to the doctors!! All fuckin 10 minutes walk away. Only went to pick up a bloody prescription. Wasnt even for me it was for this fool!! Was a pain in the ass too coz I had to go twice the lil fuckers were shut for lunch!! I mean really what kind of a doctor's surgery shuts for lunch?!?! Its a fuckin joke its not like they only have one doctor workin there! Sheesh................

Also today I managed to help out my dad sort out his website for him goin away on Friday hes goin to Scilly Isles for a month. Its that time of year y'see. Ahem................

So yeah thats about it I'm goin to Town tomorrow anyone gonna be there?? Gimme a shout we'll get a drink or go buy stuff whatever just entertain me!!

"Ooooo tumbleweed!!"

*Chases with hands flailing in the air* 
  OK I dont know how the fuck to do links I AM gay. 
  Bollocks it didnt work!! God I feel so pathetic....................................

*Tries again*

  *Attempts hyperlink*

Monday, September 29, 2003
  Why does this page always load with errors?? Oh well................

Sooooo the second week of unemployment begins (hey I'm not complainin (yet) I'm just sayin) an its kinda borin but I'm managin to entertain myself so far. Yeah you dont give a shit I know but I'm stuck for somethin to do so I thought hey I'll do a blog but now I'm stuck for somethin to write so leave me alone!! Hmmmmm lemme think..................


No I'm stuck I really have nothing to say. GOD!

*Hears reply*

Aaaarrrggh!! God just spoke to me he said he thinks I'm eatin too many flumps. Yeah I just lost faith.

I wish I was drunk......................................... 
Sunday, September 28, 2003
  Hehe cool night that was

Met up with Mike in the Swan for a couple then headed off to thw Kray for the all nighter. Met Dve an Pete in there an Jen, Vicky an Nicky too. Also saw Anna, Claire an Nikki, plus Moz which was boss he was a really good mate of mine thru school an stuff (even though we didnt go to the same one hehe) so we had a good natter catchin up an shit so that was cool.

I drank WAY too much I think I had 3 Aftershocks, 2 torpedo Smirnoffs, a shot of whisky (bought me by a complete stranger!), a vodka milkshake and a shitload of beers too. I dont remember anythin between 2 and 5am so I'm a bit concerned what exactly I got up to. I do remember fallin out of the cab outside my house though hehehe............

Not much else to say really I didnt do much all weekend cept get drunk recover then get drunk again. Go me 
Saturday, September 27, 2003
  Is it just me or do people find it hard graspin what I'm on about sometimes? I mean really I get so much nasty retslistion from stuff I write on here an its nearly always been misinterpreted. Believe me if I'm gonna say somethin nasty about you or anythin to do with you I'll make it clear.

That said, Skip how the hell could you possibly take anythin negative from what I said?! I distinctly recall posting somethin on here a while ago about how those nights used to be quite difficult for me an sometimes I think they still might be. But nowhere did I say anythin about last week bein anythin other than fun!! If somehow you have managed to misunderstand last weeks post then I'm sorry allow me to clear it up. All I meant was I am sometimes sceptical of the enjoyment I'm gonna take out of those nights and all I was sayin was that I actually did take some enjoyment out of it.

Moving on, couldnt get online AGAIN yesterday we got savagely ravaged by a mean old virus thingy that was fuckin shit! It wouldlet you connect but then about 30 seconds later it would juist say "you have been disconnected". Teasin us it was. So yeah we had to run a full-scale diagnostic to wipe it clean an it took HOURS so that was just a pain in the ass.

Went out Thurs to Atonal an Ji an I was gonna go on about how it was but youve read H's so I wont bother!! But then WE went the Kray well actually no now I think about it I did everyone else buggered off! But hey I was always gonna bump into someone an lo and behold there was Peet. Anloads of others too actually so I was sufficiently entertained for the night. Went AGAIN last night too with Jen & Vicky it was pretty shitty really but then Fridays always are. There was a fight in MacDonalds afterwards which was just funny the security just kicked some guy's ass but he was askin for it so HA!

Goin AGAIN tonight too its the all-nighter (sheesh) an theyve got Sid from Slipknot DJ-ing K3, Ace from Skunk Anansie is doin K2 an I'm doin K1. Yup. Good old Nick Young. K1 DJ. Well obviously not but some guy called Nick Young IS doin it an it would be cool....................

Boringest post ever over. 
Thursday, September 25, 2003
  Y'know what people can surprise you sometimes. You have friends - some youve known longer than others, some you trust more than others and some you feel more comfortable with than others. In other words, lots of friends are friends for different reasons and in different contexts. Then theres the ones who you didnt think were really that good a friend, but then you realise they are, and of course the ones who you thought were closer than they really are an it hurts to realise theyre not. As a result I have no-one who I regard as my absolute best friend and never really have. I used to play in my head and put people up against each other to see who it was coz I thought it mattered but I realised it really doesnt coz I came up with a different answer each time I did it. I dont have a BEST friend an I dont see why I need one really.

Anyway the point of this is really just me sayin that Tash (hehe can I call you that or is it weird?! OK nutter) you really are a friend to me. I dont know if you knew it coz of just how I know you really but I want you to know I think of you as a friend, regardless of the situation we're in. Youre probably gonna think its weird me sayin this but I wanted to anyway so I did. So yeah thats all really.

Toodles!! :oP 
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
  So that was a fun day. Hung washing out, washed dishes, tidied bedroom, dried dishes, put dishes away ate lunch, brought washing in, washed some more dishes yadda yadda yadda.........................

However we did have visits today from the lovely Ki-ee-tee shortly followed by Mr AK so twas fun in parts! Watched Lord of the Rings (again) an then went off to get my JSA form. Go me!! But then they all went off to have lives so I was stuck again.

Goin to Fudge tomorrow to see Ji an Atonal wih Mr 779 so should be a laugh or if not at least there'll be music and alcohol so we cant go too far wrong!! Anyone who would care to join us is MORE than welcome I know that sounds a bit patronising but thats just me invitin anyone who fancies a night out. Might not even be a night out we might just go home afterwards dunno yet but seriously you should come the more the merrier. :o(

Hey it turns out this friend thing with Ann might just work out yet. Seems that tryin does actually get you somewhere whether you think it will or not so hopin things go well. For my sanity!!!

Plus grandad is expected to be drivin again next week so thats lookin good the full recovery appears to be right round the corner.

I keep thinkin I need to put somethin morbid here to make it a worthwhile blog with the week Ive just had but I'm not goin to. So there. 
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
  This gonna be a biggun..............................

OK so its fair to say that was, well, an interesting week. Following Wednesdays Perfect Circle thing which ruled, came the big day. The big 2 0. Ouch. Was very drunk after meetin up with Mark & Baz for the first time in AGES so that was cool. Then proceeded to get drunk with Mr 779 an Charlotte, til Dave & Caiti joined us in the Swan. Upon their exit Hygeine Freak, Nicky, Vicky & Jen joined us for an embarrassing attempt at the pub quiz. Twas a larf though so alls well. Then went the Kray to get HAMMERED mainly thanks to Peet actually but there we go!! Only thing I was gutted about was Ann not comin, but more on that later..........

Friday saw my last day in work in the TCO (:o(?) I got a SHITLOAD of flump bars it was SO cool and £55!! Really I got that much I couldnt believe it! I got pissed at dinner, mainly due to the Aftershock I reckon........... Made up I was but yeah now its over although I do still have my pass so technically I could walk into any Inland Revenue building in the country til June 2005 hehe

Then Friday night saw the big gig go down really well. I'm sure youre bored of everyone sayin how they outplayed the other bands so I wont bother just glad to see em doin well still. A fond farewell to PPP too shes off to Leeds you will be missed!! Also turns out Amy's off too for 3 years! Didnt know that one til she told me "see you in 3 years" as she went to leave. Miss you too good luck to you both! However the night did take a turn for the worse towards the end as it was discovered no-one knew where my coat was. Yes THE coat. No longer can I go by the pseudonym of Neo. For my number one Neo accessory has been lost. Not only that but the AMAZING flump kebab was safely inserted into the Mary Poppins pocket so thats gone too. I'm SO sorry H really I am! I loved it to bits and thank you SO much for it I cant believe I lost it. :C

Saturday was very much a recuperation day, or at least that was til I went off to Caiti's for the typical "band, their girlfriends and Nick" night in her lovely house. But it was a laugh an I was entertained sufficiently til heading home round 2ish with Skippy an AK (not literally of course just in the cab but dont rule it out) ;o)

Then Sunday was Mr 779's b'day hes 20 too now so went round to his house in Bootle for a piss-up really. Only people I knew there were Charlotte an Hygeine Freak, so I'm thinkin I pretty much successfully freaked out his family an friends so mission accomplished hahaha!! Yeah we got wasted the b'day boy was throwin up by the end an I thought that was my cue to leave Charlotte to clear up the mess. Hey thats what shes there for!! And to make one of course. But of a very different kind hehehehehe........................

Monday was my first official day of unemployment. It was shit. The Internet was down all day so I couldnt do a thing! Sucked it did. Bit like today really. Cept now its workin. But then you knew that coz I wouldnt be able to post would I? Still I'm pissed off with it that much already I tidied my room this mornin. No really. I might even make a mess of it again so I can tidy it for somethin to do.

Now the rundown of daily events is out the way, heres the actual meaningful rants. First I wanna clear up anyones potential misconceptions about these chain email thingys. To anyone who has forwarded or intends to forward me those friendship things, I do appreciate the gesture REALLY I do, but sorry, I aint gonna be sendin it. I get these things an theres 2 questions I ask myself. 1) Could I be assed in startin one myself? No. 2) Therefore, is it really so meaningful in forwarding one on that someone else started coz that way you dont have to do any of the work? Well actually no. Its not. Up to now everyone who has sent the current one thats goin round to me I consider to be genuine friends you know who you are so this is my version of doin it. :o)

Upon arrival home from Mr 779's on Sunday night, an email awaited me from Ann. Turns out shes gone back to her boyfriend in Middlesbrough. Go me. Another one well and truly fucked up. I'm gonna say good luck to you coz God knows youre gonna fuckin need it. (By the way I dont mean that in a bad way). But just so everyone knows it fuckin hurt an it still does so I'm a bit fucked up in the head right now an doin my best not to be. Apparently we're gonna stay mates which I'm up for but its got trouble written all over it. But hey what can I do? Havent felt this fragile in a long time an moochin round the house thinkin about it aint helpin but I'm sure I'll get thru soon enough. Wow theres some self pity for you...............................

Also wanna say to Fungi that Catherines a goodun I know an its good to see youre not gonna let the old things get to you anymore. But let me say this to you - dont let new things do it either. I reckon you know what I'm sayin there.

And to finish just to update (coz I cant remember where we were with this last time I posted) my Grandad's now back at home an doin well. All seems fine an he'll be back to 100% in the next couple of weeks hopefully! :o)

Anywayz this is 20 year old, unemployed, single, painfully bored, slightly depressed, me siging off until I find somethin else to piss about. Or til I get bored. Yeah see you in 10 minutes. 
Thursday, September 18, 2003
  So A Perfect Circle were SO good! Can you say tight? Can you say astounding? Can you say phenomonal? Can you say charismatic? Can you say disappointing? If the answer is yes to all these questions then you have the ability to describe A Perfect Cirle's live show last night. They completely owned the stage and wowed the crowd. For an hour. That was it. One hour. That really is the only bad thing I have to say about it. It was too short. But then isnt it a good thing when a band leaves the stage with the fans wanting more? Maybe.

Tis my birthday today yay!! I'm ill. I have a bitchin cold an its kickin my ass. :o( I'm off this mornin so I can do a quick b'day blog before I go to work in a bit. I'm 20! My God I'm 20!! Next time someone asks me my age I'm gonna die. Coz it wont really hit me til then. When I have to say it to someone who doesnt know. Someone who never knew Neo the Teenager. (Now theres a cheesy spin-off to end all cheesy spin-offs). But yeah no more -teen shit. just -y. Tis gay. Only one more big birthday (actually why exactly is 21 so special?!) until they become depressing. If I die at 40 then I'm now middle-aged. I feel like having a crisis. LET ME HAVE MY CRISIS!! Oh well this time next year I'll wish I was 20...................

Off out tonight with Mr 779, Mercer an the girls methinks. Anyone who's in town today though seriously get in touch an come meet me (have I already posted that? oh well) just for one or more if you want!! :o) Then tomorrow tis the Kray for the bgi gig (that would have rhymed but for the typo) an then ALL out for Saturday!! If not for me then J-A come on!!

Anywayz thats it for now be back Sat I'm off to work!! :o( 
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
  Y'know a while ago I posted somethin on here about gettin over shit ASAP an whatnot an it helped me coz writin it out an readin it back to myself really rammed it home. I lived my life that way since then an benefitted from it directly, and I intend to continue to do so. It involves takin somethin that bothers you emotionally, physically, psychologically or anythin and just lettin the anger/sadness whatever out ASAP as extremely as possible and then lettin go. So here it is:-

FUCK YOU YOU FUCKIN BITCH!! You reel me in with your self-pity and your "oh, but I'm not sure" shite an then the second you even look like beginnin to make up your mind you start fuckin around like I'm some little fuckin sheep dog you can control with a snap of your fingers. Well guess fuckin what?! FUCK OFF. I actually had respect for you a week ago and since then youve done nothin but take the piss and its for the last time. Part of me still feels pity for you but its for a very different reason than it was before and its not a good thing. Even you would know that. So now youve read this (if you actually bothered) you know what the score is so its entirely up to you. This is me tellin you how it is an if youre fine with that then you understand what I'm sayin or if you wanna do somethin about it youre more than welcome to I'm open to discussion. But as it stands you can forget it.

PHEW! That was a bit rough!! Anywayz, back to the fun bloggeriness for the actual friends to read!! Went to the Kray in the daytime yesterday it was kinda freaky! There was a guy actually cleaning! NO REALLY!! Got a shitload more flyers that I'm just gonna whack out EVERYWHERE! Hehehe people hate me.................................
Obviously its all in aid of THE gig on Friday you HAVE to be there! Never mind this "if youre not doin anythin" stuff. Drop it! Teehee but yeah you should go

Ooooooo goin to see A Perfect Circle tomorrow with Mr 779 cant wait!! :o) Gonna be SO cool, that is if we find out where it is an how to get there of course. Hmmm.................... Coz Maynard rules he has the most amazin voice an its gonna rule, plus I just found out that Danny Carey's (Tool drummer/greatest drummer on Earth) new band whose name escapes me are supportin them on their tour so THATS gonna rule too! Actually can more than one thing rule in the same place on the same day? We'll see!!

OK so next time I blog I'll be 20! Aaaarrrggh!! Thats fuckin scary man dont tell me its not! Coz it is! Gonna be out in Town on Thursday from round 4ish all night so if youre in Town AT ALL that day giz a ring or sommat an see where we are coz I wanna see you! You can buy me a drink hehehe..............

Hey and only 3 (well 2 an a half actually) days left in work I still dunno if its a good thing or not!! Been the worst week coz Ive done two 10-hour days in a row to try an bump my flexi back up in time for the end of the week otherwise they'll take money off me the lil fuckers. How can they expect an alcoholic like me to keep it even when the work is so shitty?! I dunno..........................

Anywayz thats it from me for now toodles!! :o) 
Sunday, September 14, 2003
  My God that was the worst night out EVER! Pffff I hate it when I'm sober an everyone else is wasted. Makes you look like a miserable cunt when really you just cant appreciate the tiny lil stoopid things that make you laugh when youre pissed when youre sober. So now Ann, Col & Andy prolly think I'm some old fooker (theyre all younger than me) who's past his prime and has already started withering away into puny unalcoholismic boredom. That sounds real stoopid I know coz eveyone who reads this is older than me an its quite clearly not the case just was an off night. Plus this Ann thing is playin with my head worse than anythin has in a while so that didnt really help now did it??

We went to Hannahs for some metal night thing it was basically if its not heavy then its not worth pissin on it was cool in a hardcore kinda way but you know what its like when big metal head men get pissed. There were a few bands on, all of whom sucked cept one whose name escaped me but they were pure death metal warriors it was cool!! Then at bout half 2 they threw everyone out an instead of goin home we thought it would be a good idea to go an stand outside the Kray for an hour to meet people afterwards, who, as the law of shit (sod's law's older, nastier half-brother) would have, it had of course already left so we wasted an hour. Plus poor lil (and quite possibly gay) Andy gets himself bottled on Hardman St by some skin-head fucker who did actually (I couldnt believe this) just shout "Ey goff!!" EXACTLY like we do takin the piss it was embarrassin. Anyway he saw fit to hurl a half full glass bud bottle at Andy's head, hit him, but alas the bottle did not break. At which point the twat comes runnin into the road, picks up the bottle again and throws it again, only this time he missed an it flew across the road an smashed on the bus that was sittin there. Then he tries to start pushin Col around (by the way all these people (Ann, Col & Andy) are WELL under 6 foot an this guy is massive but didnt come near me what does that tell you?) but Col wasnt assed an then the cunt's mates came an dragged him away an all was well again. Andy was peeved I could tell coz he never said a word again all night but hey you would be.

But yeah I eventually got home at like 4 o'clock totally sober the whole night it fuckin sucked. Plus I'm thinkin Ann's po'd at me and actually I am at her too! Hardly the best start when she just dumped her boyfriend for me now is it?! PLUS its both our birthdays next week so really hopin this doesnt fuck up big time coz it really could. Easily. 
Saturday, September 13, 2003
  Hehehehe I'm so naughty.......................................

So yeah had a bitchin night last night in Cock Sick Sweaty (I keep goin there dont I?!?!) I was very drunk an not for a long time have I been VERY drunk! Still am I think!! But yeah met Mike in the Swan then hung with Carmen an Emma for a bit til Vicky, Nikki, Terri & Jen turned up briefly, then departed equally promtly! Then went off to Le Bateau to meet Ann & Col an there they were pissed already! But then so was I so I didnt mind! Also Pete was there too an we had a wee larf like always an boy is my head hurting now.................

But before all the drunken fun I went off to the hospital to visit my grandad an all seemed fine! I was really pleased with how it went he was a bit tired but apart from that he seemed really well! But.............................
He was due to come home this mornin an my dad was gonna go pick him up an take him home but when I got up I was told that hes still there coz he collapsed in the toilet in the night so uh oh! Im guessin though its just coz hes knackered coz he cant sleep in the hospital coz its REALLY loud even at night so fingers crossed its just fatigue an not fucked upness an he'll be home soon! Coz he rules

I found flump bars!!! Seriously theyre SO cool theyre just big extra long flumps an theyre great! Bryan in work told me he knew about them already when I took them back into work to show everyone an I nearly hit him why the fook didnt he tell me about them?!?!?! An if anyone else knew about em I'd keep it quiet coz youll gerrit you will.......................................

I keep seein people for the last time ever an its really hard! Loadsa people are off work next week an I'll never see em now coz I'm finishin an some of em (mostly not admittedly but some) are real cool an I'll miss em. Specially you. :o(

My God are you still reading coz this is a long fookin post you must be bored by now! Its OK though I'm gonna shurrup now so you can go read someone elses or just go sleep! Toodles!! :o) 
Thursday, September 11, 2003
  So twas a bitchin gig last night!! But then I would say that wouldnt I..............??

Off out tomorrow for a big piss-up (after I go see grandaddio in the hospital of course) an now I realised I have no idea why I even bothered to blog coz wheres the story in "I AM goin out tomorrow" rather than in "So, I WENT out last night" so yeah bye. 
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
  All girls are evil. Girls = time x money. Time = money, therefore girls = money x money, or money squared if you prefer. Money is the root of all evil. What happens when you sqaure root a square number? you get the original thats what. Therefore, girls = evil. Go on, tell me I'm wrong.

OK so here's a list of amusing surnames Ive come across in work over the last couple of days:-

Kong Ho

Serioualy the yare all real and genuine. Work rules..........................

But anyway had a cool day today went to see my grandad in the Royal after work an hes doin REAL well. Actually dont think many know about this so I'll say!! They found prostate cancer an stuff but he had keyhole surgery (the less said about that the better methinks) yesterday an now hes doin real good!! He seems fine only a bit tired but apart from that hes real cool so all seems well! :o)

Went for drinks yesterday with Mark & Ann & some guy Andy (possibly gay) so that was fun! Mr 779 was VERY drunk, despite drinkin no more than me. YOU PUFF! But yeah that was cool an STILL dunno whats goin on there so dofhdgsofgoeyw is pretty much all I can say!!

...secondnature... gig at Zanzibar tomorrow too so should be a cool night, plus I'M GOIN TO SEE PERFECT CIRCLE!!!!!!!! Tis next Wednesday the 19th an its gonna rule!!!!!! Cant wait.......................................

So yeah Nature gig tomorrow so sure I'll see some of you there. Hopefully!! Toodles for now!! :o)

Monday, September 08, 2003
  What if you were a Siamese twin, and you were connected by your ass, therefore you only have one ass between you? (Both guys btw). What if your brother was gay? And he had a date and took the date back to your place for "coffee"? What would YOU do? How far would YOU let it go? 
Sunday, September 07, 2003
  Sooooooooo that was a cool night..............................!!

Annas back!! YAY! Back on form straight away as well you KNOW what I mean! ;o) So she was out as well as (uh-oh) Tra La Laaa, Kate, Ippie, Lynsey (is there a 'd' in that?), Noodle Boy, "Lady" of all things H, Lee (sorry but what is that Snarlie thing all about?), Claire an I think thats it for the Hangover.......................

THEN in the Kray there was (uh-oh again) Pete, Dave, Gay Tony (who's not gay), Skip, A-K, J-A, Nikki, Floof, Wally, Mike (t'other one), Sef, Ali (both TOTALLY wasted by the way), and Ki-ee-tee is back from NY too so YAY again! Apparently twas cool but couldnt have been as cool as the other NY. Think about it...........................................

But yeah twas a boss night with so many people out (sure Ive forgotten someone but hey). I am a little worried though as to how I managed to end up in Walton with a girl Ive never met before and whose name I still dont know. Come on you would be too! Cheeky lil fucker of a cab driver too decided he needed to stop for petrol on the way back to mine and kept the feckin meter runnin! Whassupwitdat?!?!

So now attention turns to Wednesday. Gig for the Natureboys at the Zanzibar get your good self down there!! Should be a good warm-up for THE gig. Gonna be a biggun supportin Trapt in the Kray on the 19th that one you MUST see!

I think thats it from me for now at least hmm lemme think.......................


Yep thats it! Toodles!! :o) 
Friday, September 05, 2003
  So I just worked with Angela for the last time ever. :o( You keep in touch now an keep me posted on all the office goss!! You better or there'll be hell to pay! Actually do you even read this? Hope so.......................... :oP

God this Ann thing is fucked up!! Aaaarrrggh!!

Wednesday, September 03, 2003
  Ever gone into your blog to post somethin coz you were bored then realised you had nothing to say? OK just me then.................. 
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
  So an interesting week up to now to say the least! Started Friday night meetin this girl called Ann. Shes damn cool an then met her again yesterday after woik but its a whole to-do an I have no idea what the hell's gonna happen! Bleurgh its damn complicated but I probably should leave it alone but you know what I'm like! Well actually no maybe you dont but still it'll be hard to!! :oP

Then today in woik again I got shouted at by THE boss. Not just my boss but THE boss. And for what? I was actually reading through my latest creative masterpiece (ahem) on my computer an she happened to wander past my desk at the time on the rob for magazines from absent staff. It was kinda funny though coz she said "should you be doing that?" An I just said "Probably not no." Then kept doing it anyway. Yeah she KNOWS I dont give a fuck anymore! What they get for finishin me the fuckers...............................

So yeah this is one I wrote ages ago (also in woik - well all of them are!) an its called Template :-

All the thoughts of contemplation horrify the mind,
Until expression reaches out washing away time.
Imagination's fine to say, but practicality owns.
Emotion runs the stem of life - even the unknown.

Tunneling through options, nothing seems to fit.
Slipping backwards constantly - this just can't be it.

Contemplation's gonna hurt no matter how it comes.
There is no content conclusion from a lonely son.
The heart and soul of life itself is finding peace of mind,
Always searching never finding apples of this kind.

Tunneling through options, nothing seems to fit.
Slipping backwards constantly - this cannot be it.


The war is on horizons nigh the fruits are not yet ripe.
Fighting forward beating down the constant flow of life.
Everlasting scars of body and of mind still reeling,
Deeming them irrelevant searching/finding/screaming.

Tunneling through options, nothing seems to fit.
Slipping backwards constantly - this will not be it.


When will it be known to those who question what they know,
That contemplation overflows to never need them know?

Tunneling through options, nothing seems to fit.
Slipping backwards constantly - this will not be it.
Tunneling through options, nothing seemed to fit.
Slowly turning round the corner - there will be no it.


Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


07.03 / 08.03 / 09.03 / 10.03 / 11.03 / 12.03 / 01.04 / 02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 04.05 / 05.05 / 06.05 / 07.05 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 10.05 /

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