Bollukus Eventicus
Sunday, February 29, 2004
  So the point of detox is what exactly? You're only gonna retox...................

So Joey got a dog. Grrrr. He's called Jack and he's a cross-breed thing. He's a "puppy" and he is lazy. He's also greedy. And he smells. And he's a dog. Did I mention that bit? He doesn't qualify as a proper dog though until he says woof. Which to my knowledge he hasn't. So for now he's a boney fluff ball with a doggie smell. And he shat on the kitchen floor on his first day, which is actually really cool so he's in my good books. For now, til he bites me. Or licks me. Or pisses on me. Or craps on me. Or makes me smell. (Again).

Woof woof. Or something along those lines. 
Thursday, February 26, 2004
  1 hour to go!!!!!

So yeah £816.06 is on its way to me. It's actually less than it should be coz I gave them the wrong P45 so I've been over-taxed but hopefully I can get it sorted out. More good news is that now I'm NOT going to Manchester tomorrow night for Amy's birthday (that's Joey's chum), coz we're both too tired and too poor. Yes I know I get paid tomorrow but it's got places to go! The bank hate me................

I'm kinda wishin this weekend away coz as much fun as it really is gonna be it's all so confusing and too much is goin on at once I can't quite seem to get my head round it all properly. It's nothin to worry about I'm just wishin it was Monday night now coz I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday. That thought of knowing you don't have to get up is so relaxing. I already know that I probably will get up, but still it's nice to have the choice.

Think I'll go flyerin on Tuesday actually. Yeah I will. It'll be cool coz I'm goin to Town anyway so that'll fill my day nicely. This is of course for next Friday's gig at Carling Academy with Atonal and a couple of others whose names I forget. But theres a free aftershow party too so it'll be bitchin'. Well when isn't it......................??

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

So do bees have really cool knees? Seriously, have they got some Super Flex Support 3000 device that God gave them and chose not to dish out to anyone else?!?! Sure they bend good, but do they straighten?!?! HMMM?! I think you'll find not! OK so they have bitchin' balance capabilities, but is that really anythin to do with their knees?? If a bee decided to knee me, and I chose to knee it back, who would be in more pain? Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe there's this Bee Encyclopaedia that goes round and just missed me. Coz everyone else seems to be in on it. Or maybe I was off school that day. Bee Day. Whoops....................

Questions we must ask ourselves people..................... 
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
  Sore gob.

So today I had root canal surgery. Yup, the tooth was done for. No longer could it withstand the aftermath of the brutal attack that is the wrath of Crosshall Street. The nerve is gone, the tooth is kinda grey, and the taste is disgusting. Pain has gone though, which I guess is a good thing. Gotta go back in a few weeks for the finishin touches. And a hefty bill no doubt................

Speaking of which, I am already skint for next month before this month's payday. Reckon I'll get round about £800. I'm £345 overdrawn, gotta give daddio £150, mumsio £40, Download tix bout £200, night out in Manchester Friday night AND shopping trip to Manchester in a couple of weeks. Should put me about £200 overdrawn by the Academy gig on the 5th, which will just about finish me off. Also need to get some sort of un-pathetic present for Joey after the Valentine's Day mess AND take her out somewhere other than the Krap House. Then it's Mother's Day.................

But on the plus side - DOWNLOAD!!!! KoRn, Metallica, Slipknot, MACHINE HEAD!!!!!!! It's gonna be so cool. Joey's comin so it'll be fun (bit less lonely, although I DID still have the time of my life last year as we all know) AND she will reimburse me for her ticket so I won't be QUITE as skint as I made out. Screw the debt anyway - I'm goin!

What's with all the CAPS dude.................?!?! 
Saturday, February 21, 2004
  Sore head.

I'm braidless!!! Hehe took em out tonight coz basically I was bored! Nah there's been 4 or 5 that have fallen out this week so I decided it was time. It has been nearly five weeks and my head was damn itchy. I have seriously never scratched so frantically in all my life. My scalp is killin me now but it was SO worth it!! Back to normal but it's cool coz when it was like this BEFORE the braids I was bored with it, but it's kinda new again now!! Good length too..................

So yeah Friday night in. Joey's sittin in her house too. Seems stupid if you ask me but there we are. Way I see it is we might as well be bored in the same house together instead of this but oh well. Off to H's tomorrow for her house warming thingy. Weird name for it that, 'house warming'. I mean, why? Is it particularly cold in new houses/flats? No. So really it's more like a christening isn't it? But we don't call it that, coz it has nothing to do with Christianity. Then again, neither do half the actual christenings that go on every day in this country. But hey, it's a funny old world...........

Week one of proper work over. It was good. Not dreading week two. Which, if I can keep it up, says to me this is a fine job. Not fine as in, FINE!! but in its literal meaning. Acceptable. Satisfactory. Its cool - I dont hate it when I'm there or when I know I have to be, and I don't miss it when I'm not there and when I don't have to be. As weird as that might sound, it suits me, coz it means I can just get on with earning my money and enjoying myself when and how I want to.

Go me! 
Thursday, February 19, 2004
  Irritating. See "elsewhere"..................

Work started absolutely properly this week - on my actual team, doin real shifts and worryin about bein late!!! But yeah it's cool everyone on my team seems fine - I'm not actually with anyone from my training team, except Paula who doesn't really count coz she's not new like me she's just moving. But anyway, the work I think is pretty easy, so for now it's a good thing, but I can see it gettin boring pretty quick. I just need to make sure I can keep myself occupied outside work so I stay sane!! I did manage to avoid the notorious B.I.T.C.H of a team leader that I was warned about, so there's a plus. Not even on the same floor as her, so that's cool. It's good so far!

My tooth is becoming a real pain in the ass now. It's really sensitive to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. So clearly I'm not havin fun with that, plus physical contact with it hurts like hell too so brushing isn't easy either. I'm goin back to the dentist again on Monday an I'm hopin he's gonna tell me that he's gonna do somethin about it, other than sayin "We're really just playing the waiting game for now" to me AGAIN, like the last two times I've been. This is his chance to redeem himself after letting my teeth grow into the deformation that they have, and he better not screw up!

Not been online at all this week coz I've been in Joey's stayin with her while her mum's away, but I'm back now. Her sister Ali is home so she's not by herself and her mum gets back tomorrow. It was fun while it lasted, and I met her cousin's orange friend. It was kinda like Easter with tangerines. Y'know, as opposed to eggs, where you draw on them and make a lil person out of it. Yes, it................................

7 days. 7 days.......................................!!!!!!! 
Sunday, February 15, 2004
  Telling people you're not full of yourself makes you full of yourself. Understand metaphors.

Right so that was a pretty bitchin weekend! Valetine's Day was cool, despite not spendin as much of it as I would have liked with Joey. She bought me shitloads of stuff - a shirt, a ring, a big cuddly devil, a lil teddy, a bag of Mr Tickle chocolate fudges and a lil devil hug thingy. I couldn't believe it!! All I got was this teddy thing and a few fake roses. I felt like shit. So I'm gonna take her out properly after I get paid on the 27th. Only two weeks to go!!!

But yeah then in the night time we headed off to Town. We met up with Joey's buds Amy and Mary in the Swan then went down to the Kray. There were SO many people there!! OK here we go - Peet, Carmen, J, Grace, Michael, Dave, Caiti, Al, Shkip, Mr 779, Merther, Vicky, Jenny, Hauto, Pete Abs, Shaun, Jenny, my chum Jane from work and probably more that I've forgotten. Twas a good night - really good actually!

There was a weird violence in the air though - from the very beginning. On the bus into Town there was a gang of scally fuckers makin all kinds of noise and startin fights with one another, and there was another guy who, when advised to "have a nice evening" by a seemingly gentle soul, threatened to rip his head off. Interesting. Then some absolute twat of a shit house tried it on with me in the Athena after the Kray. Givin me shit about being a "goff" and a "little fuckin weirdo". This guy was probably a tad bigger than Joey, so clearly I was extremely tempted to knock his head off. Of course this desire was increased by him saying, "Go ed, do sutton abarrit. I'm only tiny!!" By this point I'm doin my best to look calm and not like I wanna kill him, considerin there were literally about twelve of his mates standin outside the place watching. So yeah that was fun - they eventually got shepherded out by the guy who worked there who then insisted that we walk the other way coz there were way more of them than of us. So we did and we got home I'd say between 4 and half past.

Then I spent most of today in Joey's, which was really cool. Her mum's goin away for the week tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna be stayin there for some of this week. It'll be plenny of fun I'm sure. This girl continues to amaze me, and clearly that isn't something I'm gonna come out with easily. Just ask Pete!! But seriously she rules.

Yeah that's it really. :o) 
Saturday, February 14, 2004
  Ah, St. Valentine. The final hurdle in the money marathon.....................

So yeah it's my first Valentine's Day with Joey - in fact it's my first Valentine's Day with anyone so I hope I don't perform too shabbily. Weird sentence........................ Anyway not doin much. We're goin the Kray for our Valentine's Day night out, which, if you ask me, isn't exactly the ideal celebration, but it's Saturday so there we go. I would have taken Joey out somewhere less, shall we say, shitty, but I seriously can't afford to so I'll just do it when I get paid at the end of the month, coz clearly I'm still very poor.

However y dad did lend me £50 this morning, which is cool. I got a letter from Barclays this week sayin how they were gonna charge me £25 for going over my £250 overdraft limit. Right now I'm about £320 overdrawn, so you can see why I'm reluctant to delve deeper into it for the time being................... But yeah this money is gonna pay for tonight and generally see me through the rest of the month, so it's cool. Or at least that's what it's supposed to do.......................

Went into Town this mornin to photograph the Manhole of Mayhem. Yep the claim is finally up and running. Spoke to em yesterday an they reckon Ive got a case. Which is good news, coz then that'll pay for my bus pass discrepancy fine. Yes, discrepancy..................

Sheesh it's all about money today!! 
Thursday, February 12, 2004
  Breed 77, consider yourselves out-performed.

So yeah the Natureboys rocked again last night. Barfly it was and it was a really good set. Seems the bar has been raised in the last few weeks, and the bands that they're playin with are just gettin their asses kicked every time now, and the crowds seem to finally be realising this too. It's good.

The new job's ok - the work is pretty easy, and provided youre not too fussed on quality you can meet the targets pretty comfortably. It is a problem though - there's all this pressure to reach the quantity target, but it's not always possible to do it with awkward work and it seems the quantity takes priority over quality, so the standard is sacrificed. Ah well, someone will realise one day..........................

My head isn't quite right again, but maybe here isn't the place................. 
Sunday, February 08, 2004
  So remind me why Spunge have fans.................

Another hectic week done with. I'm a bit tired but generally things goin well. Startin to get used to the new times, what with the body clock having been set on semi-nocturnal for the last few months. But yeah the training is finally over, gonna get my hands on some real work tomorrow at last. Still technically training but its less patronising now so it wont be shit. Doin 9 to 5 all this week then starting properly on the shift rota the week after so hopefully then I'll get more opportunity to get online more often.

Been for a couple of mealy type things this week with Joey which has been nice. Nothin fancy coz we're poor, but still it's been fun. I did get collared for my out of date bus pass though. Damn inspector man came on and confisgated it from me. Straight afterwards I'm thinking to myself, "Why the hell didn't I just lie and say I hadn't paid?!" Coz then at least they wouldnt have my details to send me scary shit!! So I had to buy me a new one on Saturday, which means I'm even poorer.............

Thursday was of course the Nature gig at Fudge. Managed to sell every last ticket I had, which, if you don't mind me saying so, was pretty damn impressive. But yeah the gig was particularly cool and had a pretty good night afterwards too so all in all that was fun. They're playin again on Wednesday at Barfly with Breed 77 so that should be another really good one. From what I've heard of them Breed 77 are pretty cool, but they're gonna have a tough act to follow if the Boys nail one again. Thinkin they will. They rarely don't!!

Spent most of the weekend with Joey after that. Friday was our 4 month anniversary thingy so clearly I'm chuffed with how that's goin. Seriously though I've never been this happy and with the way things are goin things are only gonna get better. Thanks babe!!!!

Saturday was the A Perfect Circle gig. They ruled again!!! Maynard has the most incredible voice you're ever gonna hear. Jeordie (Twiggy) has the elegance, Billy has the stage presence, James adds the mystery and Josh is a better drummer than he gets credit for. His is the type of drumming a lot of people fail to appreciate. So individually it's a dream line up but they gel surprisingly well for a group of people better known for their work with other bands. ie Tool, Marylin Manson, Vandals, Smashing Pumpkins, along with a musical mastermind.. They really are a suprisingly, but impressively co-hesive unit, which is maybe a weird thing to say about a band, but it's true. They kick serious ass.

Oops sorry should I have said "[spunge]"...........................? 
Monday, February 02, 2004
  *Is nervous*

So tomorrow I go to see the dentist. It's the day of truth, the day of reckoning. All those other days that only come once in a lifetime but in actual fact come more often than they don't. Judgement day, there's another one. Anyway moving on. Yeah he's gotta take a look at the tooth that's fucked and decide what treatment I need.

There's two options really. First I could have root canal treatment to secure the tooth in place and then cap it, or they can decide the tooth is a write-off and remove it completely and give me a false one to replace it. Either way I don't like it, obviously, but that's the way it is! I don't even know what I want him to say. I guess I want them to be able to save the tooth, rather than have a false one at the age of 20, but I'm not sure that it's gonna make much difference to be honest.

Oh well. Life goes on. I'm not even fussed at the idea of surgery or anythin either I just wish it hadn't happened y'know? Wow way to state the obvious.......................... 
Sunday, February 01, 2004
  Dunno what to say really..............

S'pose the new job's goin fine. Just been doin trainin and inductiony type things so far, and theres still another week of that still to come. The people I'm in with are something of a mixture. Theres two really annoying scally ones, one guy one gal. Theres two older women, say in their forties. Theres also a dude who made a back-handed comment about Marylin Manson, although not to me, he did make eye contact so he's still in the 'don't know' pile for now. Then theres a couple of other girls who seem ok, and a really weird guy called Roderick "Don't call me Rod" Moore. So yeah an interestin bunch anyway...................

It's a busy week this week!! Tuesday I gotta go see my dentist, and he's gonna basically tell me what he's gonna do to save my front tooth, if he can that is. Then Wednesday is Holly's 16th birthday AND the rents' 20th wedding anniversary AND when I get my stitches out of my chin. Then Thursday is of course the gig at the Fudge. Anyone who still wants a ticket can either see me or they should still have some in BadAss in Quiggins, at least until Tuesday. GET SOME!!!

Anyway then Saturday I'm off to see A Perfect Circle!!!! They're a really cool live act, and although I only saw em about five months ago, I hadn't heard the new album at that point so I wasn't able to fully appreciate the whole set. This time.......................... Yeah I'm goin with Dave & Caiti, an Joey's comin along too. It's in the Apollo in Manchester so it's gonna be a money wrencher but it's SO worth it!

Update on the gob front. Chin is killin me! Still flinchin every time I think about the fall it's seriously scary, and I still find it hard to believe just how hard I smashed my chin and face into the ground. Please tell me they can save this tooth for me.......................

Yeah right coz my dentist reads this!! 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


07.03 / 08.03 / 09.03 / 10.03 / 11.03 / 12.03 / 01.04 / 02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 04.05 / 05.05 / 06.05 / 07.05 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 10.05 /

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