Bollukus Eventicus
Thursday, March 25, 2004
  *Insert random word here*

Workin the late shift this week. Its kinda cool coz the team leaders tend to be more relaxed coz there's less people on their backs, so it's good in that respect. Pain in the ass is bein in til ten then havin to go through Kenny on the bus - it's not good and I've only done it once and already theres scally fuckers bein, well, scally fuckers!! Also it sucks having to come home from work and the day being over, PLUS I'm really bored in the mornings. Now, for instance. Hence................................

But anyway like I said t'other day, gonna be a cool weekend this week, what with parties an Krayness and general drunken frolics goin on. Did I spell frolics right? Oh well. More bands been announced for Download - mostly sucky ones but the main ones I thought were Cradle of Filth (hmmmmmmmm), Slayer (hmmmmmmmm), Sum 41 (grrrrrrrr) and Ill Nino (so-so). Anyway, gonna be a cool weekend. That is, provided we get decent weather again. I mean it is a laugh in the rain but your stuff gets soaked, so if its gonna rain it needs to be on the last day. PLEASE!!

Is 'outroduction' a word? 
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
  Bleurgh is an appropriate word.................

So I'm off work this afternoon - nasty cold I got and just for everyone who obviously would dearly love to know, my nose is like a tap. So there's a nice image for you............. Bad news is I don't get sick pay AND it doesn't look all that great on my record, what with me still on my probationary period an all. Ah well, I rule so they'd be stupid to let me go. What?

This week is gonna be cool - main reason bein I'm gonna be shit-faced for a lot of it. Gonna be a cool parrrrrtay in the Ipster's on Friday, an I'm thinkin Friday feelin or not I'm gettin wrecked. Then Saturday is of course the payday weekend night out - haven't been out in what seems like ages (its actually only two weeks but still) so gonna get ma groove thang goin and rock out like a muthafucka!!!

Yeah I'll go now.............................. 
Thursday, March 18, 2004
  Happy half birthday to me!!!

So it seems things have developed into a sorry state since my last visit, sadly due to a lack of any real developments. Oh it makes sense. Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion there is actually a difference between "sitting on the fence" and acknowledging the fact that there are two sides to every story. Like I said before I might have an opinion but I'm no-one to express it in this case, and I would put EXTEMELY good money on the assumption that I was alone in giving "said person" (very subtle) a chance to explain and justify himself. "Oh but there is no possible justification for what he said Nick!!!" "Yeah well maybe he doesn't deserve the chance the explain himself - he does it too often Nick!!!" Way to practise the adulthood guys........................

And no I haven't picked a side, I just think that it's fair to consider both rather than picking the one you find it easier to support. But hey then again I'm Nick I like to play devil's advocate! Of COURSE I'm gonna stir it up. Yawn. I get the feeling that there's only two people "involved" in this who seem to give a shit about losing friends and losing touch with people. If you can call me involved then I'm one of them. If you can't, then there's only one. That is the true sadness of it all.

Please stop acting like everything starts with a Cadbury's advert and ends with a hotline number. You are not on TV, you are not a member of the Wright family and your opinion does not always matter. Just like mine doesn't right now. 
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
  Dum, dum dum, du-du-du-dum..........................

So I thought about it and I think, no wait, *thinks*, no I KNOW that I'm the only person who knows and talks to EVERYONE involved in "this", therefore you might think that I have a right to an opinion and that it might even count for something. Perhaps more so than all of y'all's even. WRONG! I know I dont matter. Y'see I dont have self-importance issues, so I dont need to express my view on everything, being as controversial as possible in order to achieve a reaction. Sometimes I do I know, but some people.....................

Anyways it's a shame I know that and affected though I and the people I care about are, that doesn't give me the right to pick a side and shout at someone on someone else's behalf. I'd like to think that I won't ever have to, and I won't unless I'm made to. Then again maybe that makes me the twat who says nice things to everyone to stay popular. I dunno. Either way, you looking for the middle? Hi. *Tentative wave*

Oh sorry is this NOT an episode of Eastenders? 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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