Bollukus Eventicus
Friday, April 30, 2004
  I really do talk some shite sometimes don't I??

So it's Friday night and I'm home completely bored with nothing to do and no-one to do it with. Which hasn't been the case for quite a while actually. Maybe it's a good thing, y'know it could be what I need. Coz the things we don't want can be good for us sometimes right? Y'know, like broccoli. And no I didn't just compare my first and only love to a piece of brocolli............................!!

Goin to the dentist tomorrow (again) coz they cancelled on Tuesday (again) coz the dentist called in sick (again). I'm hopin that tomorrow is gonna be the end of it all (again), but it probably won't be (again). I STILL dont know how much it's gonna cost and when I'm gonna have to pay, so I've asked them to tell me how much I owe up to now on Saturday. Thinkin I might pay off some of it so I'm not havin to pay a big huge wad at the end all in one go. And yes I DID just use the word 'wad'....................

Oooooooo I haven't mentioned this yet - Joey got a new job!!! She's startin work at the Adelphi on Tuesday which is cool. It's better money and she has to wear a uniform so she'll be reall sexy. Yes, even more so!!! I'm a teeny bit bummed (not literally you understand) coz the hours are really fucked up - either REAL early or pretty late, PLUS weekend shifts. Might limit my Joey time which isn't good but on the whole I'm chuffed!! Well done babes! I lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve you!!!

Also at this time I would like to point out that my link to the secondnature board is out of order for now, so I'll have to make everyone aware of the gig next week. Tis at the Carling Academy (old L2) round 7ish and flyers are available from yours truly if y'all would like to attend. It's cheaper if you see me!!

Yeah, "sometimes"................................. 
Monday, April 26, 2004
  Does it still count as the weekend when it's really the start of the week? Y'know, not the 'end'................

From around 10:20 Friday night I've been pretty happy - boss night in the Kray on Friday where we were a good drunk. Not fucked, but past complete sanity so twas good. Then Saturday me & Joey went for a picnic thing in the gardens of St. Nicholas's church which is actually a really nice place. There's a little pub by it and for some reason they have no problem with people takin glasses outside or anythin so it was cool. I think they might have a problem with people stealing glasses permanently, but they'll probably never notice. :P Then we went to the Poste House - the greatest pub on Earth. Sorry, but the Swan has met its match. This place will serve you triple ANYTHING for less than £2.50 and if you're under 40 you're a novelty - it's SO cool..............................

Then Sunday was just spendin the day with Joey in hers chillin an havin a larf an stuff which is always fun. Sundays have gone from bein the worst day of the week to the best now I love it!! Especially when you haven't got the nagging "Eurgh, it's almost Monday" feeling, coz I'm off again today too! AND tomorrow!!!! Hehe sorry.................

So yeah Crapita have said anyone can have any holidays they want this week coz there isn't much work goin round, so here I am. I was due in yesterday too but was I fuck gonna work a Sunday if I didnt have to! So a nice 3-day week for me, followed by a 3-day weekend!!!!

Easily pleased I know............. 
Thursday, April 22, 2004
  That last blog - I wasn't a shoe OK!!!!!

So my poor baby is all poorly with a nasty cold this week - had a day off work yesterday (unpaid) so bummer to that! Bein ill really does suck donkey balls, don't you think? Especially when you're made to feel even worse about it than you already do with some fucker of a boss moanin at you for desertion an not payin you!! So it's been a rough week - Joey's all sick an I'm all lonely coz I haven't seen her for so long!!! (It's actually only been 3 days but it feels like an AGE). So get well soon babes - I love you!! But yeah here's hopin the weekend and next week are a bit, neh, a lot better!!

They should be, what with me gettin a four-day weekend! I'm off Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! How much does that rule?!?! There's not much work goin round so they're offerin holiday to anybody who wants it so I figured fuck it - time off for me!! Dunno what I'm actually gonna do with it, but still..........................

Ah I just remembered - what a joy it is to ride throught Kensington on a bus every day, for today I saw a sight beyond the disgusting, far over the horizon from sickening and a million miles away from downright nasty. There was some girl (fat) standing at a bus stop with a smaller boy (one would assume they were bro & sis coz they pretty much matched each other for ugliness). The girl was eating a freezey pop thingy, whatever the hip word for them is now, when all of a sudden the thing escaped all control and broke, from her mouth (remember, fat) and managed to dribble ALL over the younger, smaller brother's little bald head. Then in reaction she decided to (inadvertantly or not one will never know) sharply thrust the rest of the snack into his forehead (that's fore-head, not "forrud") thus smearing him completely with ice, water and a combination of the two plus dribble. I would have felt sorry for him, but I didn't. Twas a pleasant sight to behold..............................

You can tell I'm bored can't you? 
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
  That was mental, by the way.................................

So it seems either people are starting to ignore me or REALLY pay attention to me. I'm cool with it either way really so I won't go on!!

I was a trainer in work today! They had some Team Leader dude down from the Darwen office, and they got ME to show him what to do on this work I was doin! Twas cool coz I knew what I was on about mostly. My team hate me now though - I'm the "hot shot kid" that everyone who's been in a job for more than 6 months loves to hate. I just find it funny. I actually pretty much laugh my way through the week - its fun!!

Oops gotta go - blocked the loo again.........................!! 
Thursday, April 15, 2004
  Wreckage of the somewhat astronomical kind. Somewhat................

Er, no Floof you do NOT win the prize for that particularly measly effort, but credit for havin a go! S'up for grabs still y'all!!

So yeah my head hurts, and no I'm not sick. Not medically anyway! I'm confused and worried and all those other things that come with, shall we say, er, "people". Yeah it's the people stuff gettin to me again. Not here though, eh? Ah well, maybe I'll get through. I usually do.

Bit of a puny one today innit? 
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
  Aren't rollercoasters fun?!?!

So that was pretty much the worst Easter ever. Consisting of working, hurling, hurting, shouting and numerous other painfully er, painful things, it certainly amounted to a pretty shitty Easter all round.

However on the bright side of things - news just in - STATIC X playin Download!!!!! That means that there's a band knocked off my list of bands I must see before I die! Also during that weekend I'll be knocking off KoRn, Machine Head and HIM too. Which leaves on the list Lacuna Coil, Tool, NIN, Fear Factory (who are playin in Manchester in June so whoopee) and probably one or two others. So yeah it's gettin better and better as the time draws nearer. Still waitin on the tix of course...........

Goin to see Duran Duran this Saturday in Manchester, which also shall rule. It's good timin too coz I can't drink this week coz the doctor has put me on anti-biotics for my chesty thing, plus I cant really afford to be goin out on Saturday night, so I'll save money this way too! All works nicely what with forkin out for mine & Joey's 6 month thing we're doin tomorrow or Friday. (Y'know, coz I was all ill an stuff at the time).

Hey haven't been to Alton Towers in a while......................... 
Wednesday, April 07, 2004

So those of you who post on the K message board will be aware of my unhealthiness right now, which is actually totally the wrong word coz I'm not unhealthy as in unhygienic, I'm just sick and I couldn't be assed deleting it. Which, as it happens, would most definitely have been a lot less work than this whole explanation thingy. But I'm sick so you can let me off. But yeah anyway I've got a bitchin cold which is kickin my ass right now, but hopefully I'll be OK by the weekend for all the Easter festivities. Y'know, like goin into work....................

ANYWAY, to update since my previous entry, I've sent off my plea - I have of course pleaded guilty and await my "sentence" in May. Round the 18th I reckon it'll come. Not sure I should be puttin details of it on the net though. Whaddya think? Ah well, too late. Also to update my previous post, Joey pretty much hates the new job. They give her a lot of responsibility for someone so new and inexperienced, including phone duties, which if you ask me is too much in your first week. Here's hopin it doesn't last long!

This week is weird - work is funny coz they keep movin us around the place from one floor to another, plus I'm pretty sick (yawn) so it's all draggin even more than usual. Furthermore, (isn't that a cool word?), the week's social activities have been pretty much cocked up for one reason or another from the word go. The word go of course meaning Monday..........................

Monday we planned a trip to the cinema, but by the time I'd bought us chips and some crap to eat whilst watching the film, I realised I had no money left and had forgotten my cash card. D'oh! Tuesday was H's birthday, but sadly I couldn't attend the partying due to my poorlyness (oh yeah - it's a word!!). Tuesday was also mine & Joey's 6 month anniversary. A prize goes to the person who can tell me what the issue was with me when we started going out in October. Seriously, anyone who can get it right wins a prize!! (I say issue - it's pretty trivial but it mattered to me!) Anyway back to it - we'd planned a nice meal and stuff but again my inability to look downwards without showering all below me put a swift halt to that, so we went back to mine for McDonalds and a DVD. Speaking of which, Kensington McDonalds is a warzone!!! Spuds flyin everywhere I, er, tell thee.....................................

I would like to add, at this point, a new and fresh blog link to my esteemed list. It is the one, the only, Mr 779 everybody!!!!!! Or Mark to people who talk to him, or refer to him in any manner whatsoever. Except me. I haven't actually edited the template yet, and anyone who happens to look here between now and then is gonna be thinkin..........................

Jeez this is a long post! Not long to go now, just wanna say a quick somethin about you know who. 6 months. 26 weeks. Some amount of days that I couldnt be arsed figurin out. Oh wait, 182. Ish. No, 183. It's a leap year! Anyway, it's been such a cool time. Serioiusly it's been one of the best times of my life, there's not one period of this length where I can say I was so happy for so long. Its all down to one special lady. We all know who it is but I'm gonna say it anyway - Joey. How anyone can be in love with any one person THIS much I will never know, but I am. So this is me thanking you/her for a great time, and long may it continue. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In stark contrast to the intro, :o). No wait - :oD!!!! 
Friday, April 02, 2004
  Sheesh, where to start.................

So yesterday I went to the dennist. Seems he likes me coz he keeps askin me back every time I go. I'm not arsed about it it's just boring, plus each time I go it's gonna cost more and more. Coz they haven't asked me to pay yet, nor have they even hinted at any sort of estimated fee. Which is gonna be pretty big, hence my financial disarray.

Well I say hence, but it's only half hence. Well I'm not exactly sure if it's half, coz I don't know how much that is, or how much my fine is gonna be. Yes that's right folks, the bus pass was noticed and the court summons has arrived. I don't actually have to go, I can plead guilty via post an then they sentence me in May, but I'm thinkin a hefty fine is on its way to the Nickster. So there's another reason to not wanna look at my account balance. Reckon I'm gonna be back on my feet round September time......................

In other news, Joey has gone and got herself a new job!!! Go babe!!!!!! It's better money than this crap thing she's on now, but it's long hours if you ask me. 40 a week! PLUS Saturday mornings on time and a half. Don't ask me where it is coz I haven't got a clue - somewhere by Toys 'R' Us apparently.................................. Anyway BIG congrats to my lobster!!!

Funny story here - guy who started in my job with me got the sack today, for calling his team leader a twat!! SO cool. He's a twat himself in all honesty but it's still funny, maybe that's why!! The fact that the team leader IS a twat was apparently neither her nor there and he's gone. Even funnier is the fact that the guy's step mum works upstairs and is REALLY high up, so I'm tinkin (that's 'thinkin', I'm not Irish, nor am I a leprechaun) he's gonna get an ass-kickin later! AND he went to Blue Coat, which is even funnier, coz they rejected me and I'm chuffed coz I didn't wanna end up like that!!!

Happy days. Well - halfy-half I'd say................................. 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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