Bollukus Eventicus
Sunday, May 30, 2004
  Roll up roll up, the Nickster is back!!!

So sorry to put everyone through what must have been a painful, no, agonising wait for my long over-due return. But fear not, for I have indeed returned, fresh from a gruelling two weeks of fun, merriment and general all round avin-a-larf-ness. All of which I think is quite an achievement with no money! Anyways, I'm back baby!!!

Only a week to go til Download - tix have FINALLY come now, so the lingering worry is gone and we can look forward to another bitchin weekend, and who knows what weird and wonderful stories I may return with?!?! That Hetfield bloke better watch his mouth, and as for that Taylor guy in the mask, you dare give me the same lip as last year and, sheesh............

Another month gone and another bonus won methinks!! Should be £50 on its way to me in vouchers so theres some more spends for me!!! I hope. Hopin they dont decide to take points off me for no good reason like in March, the lil fuckers. Half a day off sick in the month so I didnt qualify for the bonus scheme, bastards. Thinkin theres better jobs, or even better roles I can be doing than this one. Hmmm............

Oh and why does everyone think I'm 19? 
Saturday, May 15, 2004
  Saturday, Saturday, Saaaaaaturday.....................!!

So it's a sad, sorry, sobering, stupendously sickening state of affairs when youre here on Blogger at 9:20am on a Saturday. Not only am I NOT with Joey at this point in time, I am also NOT in bed, for I have completely lost the ability to lie in when I have the day off from work. Its true - ever since February I havent had one lie in, except for when I've been hammered the night before (which by the way doesn't happen nearly enough these days). To add to my misery is that I forgot to tape Raw last night, meaning I have even less insignificant time-fillers to, er, fill my time today.

On that note, why is it that whenever I forget to tape it, it's always a corker?!?! WHY?! I missed Y2J kicking the crap out of CBL in a steel cage, very Randy Orton destroying Edge, Batista annihilating Tajiri, and, above all else, the debut of the amazing, the wonderful, the marvellous, the fantastic..................EUGIENE!!!!! Turns out he slaughtered Rob Conway in what must have been a gruelling match-up. DAMMIT!!!

Which of course leaves me with the absolute shiteness that is Smackdown. JBL?!?! What the hell happened to the hardcore, beer-swillin fight lord that was Acolyte/APA member Bradshaw?! What a twat he is now! Well it IS their PPV tomorrow night so I might as well watch it, suppose it might be OK. Ish. And Booker T cannot give Undertaker a good match on pay-per-view, so that's gonna suck too. I remember when Smackdown was the place to be, but now? Sheesh, tut tut...........

So after all that ranting and raving I think I managed to make my general point that I'm pretty bored. It's so depressing when you sit in work looking forward to your weekend off, and then it comes and you've got FUCK ALL to do. Reminds me of life pre-Joey. And I do NOT want to go back there. It's scary to think how much one person can do for you, without even trying, and without even knowing that they're doing it. It's actually scary to know that one person can affect your life so significantly, without your say so, but then again its re-assuring when you think who it is. Awwwww that was really sweet in a backwards kinda way, dontcha think?? I wish she read this...........

Is leaving Blogger at 9:44am cool? 
Friday, May 14, 2004
  Nowt like gettin your ass kicked at Yahoo! Pool on a miserable Friday night.........

So has anyone else noticed (ie. been receiving) these emails on Hotmail?!?! They're seemingly from completely random hotmail addresses, they're all sized 31KB and none of them make any sense AT ALL! Word on the street is that they're infected so I've been deletin em straigh away. It's been happenin for weeks now, but I just logged on then and had seven, all from today!! Damn weird it is............

Tomorrow is the gathering at H's place (notice how I've stopped doin hyperlinks again? No offence everyone I'm just lazy!!) which should be cool. I reckon it should be a Eurovision Party, that is where we all get pissed while the Eurovision Song Contest is on TV. It'll be a laugh, c'mon!!! The thing I love about Eurovision is its blatant pointlessness. It's SO bad, that it's good. So good in fact, that even us rockers are gonna watch it. Right? Erm......................

So word has it that tomorrow in H's is a Eurovision party - BOSS!!!! Cant wait 
Thursday, May 13, 2004
  Well isn't THIS all a bit lardy daaaaaaa.................?!?!?!?!

Yes this is the first time I've blogged (that said 'bogged' til I read it back at the end) since the changes to Blogger and seein how everyone else thought it wise to pass comment I figured I didn't have a clue what the hell everyone was on about so I'd go take a look-see! So I did, hence.......................

Anyways, all lonely and bored tonight, mainly, no actually ENTIRELY, because Joey is in work till 11 tonight, then back in at 7am tomorrow. Harsh if you ask me, but you didn't. So yeah this weekend has the potential to be a Joey-free zone, which is never a good thing, so fuck knows what I'm gonna do with myself. Shes workin 7am til 3pm Saturday too and then it's her sis's b'day night out on Saturday night, to which I AM invited, but to which I will not be going. As lovely as she is, it's not the night out for me. So I'll be headin to H's for a wee dee-rink (thats not an ice skating centre for drug addicts - think about it), but whether or not my lurrrrrrvely lady will be in attendance is unclear at this time.

Speakin of the lurrrrrrrvely LittleMissDoherty, she got herself a trainee spot at a hairdresser's in Huyton village, which is damn good news everyone!!! You're thinking to yourself now, "Didn't he just say congrats last week when she got that other job? Where was it again?!" But hey it's all good - this is better than all the others AND it's a 3-year course after which she will be a fully trained hairdresser with 3 years' salon experience in the bag. Now how often do you see job adverts for one of those in the Echo?!?! Every fuckin week that's when!!

You can tell I miss her can't you? Sad isn't it................?? 
Sunday, May 09, 2004
  And it's been a while, since I could, think of things to write.........................

To be honest there isnt a lot I can say other than what I owe to the fans. If it wasnt for you guys I wouldnt be here today, so a heartfelt thank you goes out to you all. I couldnt have asked for a better fanbase and it still brings a tear to my eye when I stand in front of you all like this. I remember when I was but a boy, dreaming of moments like this, and I swore to myself then that I would never do the corny, stereotypical, clichéd "tribute to the fans" speech. But now, as I stand here before you all here tonight, I come to realise that no longer am I that young naive lad I once was. I am now a man, a man who is not afraid to speak his heart at even the most trying of times. And it is truly because of you that I am able to do this. Once again, thank you and goodbye.


Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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