Bollukus Eventicus
Thursday, August 19, 2004
  It's confession time people.

For once the lil old intro bears some non-cryptic significance to this post, as I do have one or two things to confess. First up, is that for the first time in a long time I didn't read everyone else's blog before I updated my own, which I usually do so I can respond to any possible mentions of yours truly. I trust that there haven't been. That isn't the reason of course, it's actually just that I haven't been online for so long that there's gonna be a lot of catching up to do which if I attempt, I would have no time to blog myself. Nothing personal, you understand.

Sooooooo, to update properly now, things been goin on since last time. The crown is in, fitted finished and paid for. £103.40 - it could have been a lot worse. Hopefully that will now be the end of this whole fiasco that has now been going on for over six months. Hopefully..............

Next on the changes is that I have a new job!!! Well I say that, what I really mean is that I've moved teams. i'm on a specialist team now - we're the POVA team. I'd explain that but could you be arsed reading it?? Didn't think so. Only reason I joined this team is because we won't have to work ANY weekends or after 6:30pm EVER. Unless we want over-time, which is fair enough. The money won't change, but hey, there would be something wrong with the world if I had money.

The stress of living at home is becoming harder to bear as each week goes by. "Oh you don't know you're born!!!" Shut up. I think that after Christmas and New Year the serious consideration that I will have will bear some resemblance to me and my living at home. Only not.

I said couple didn't I?? Oh well, we can't all be honest all the time.............
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
  Hey, just keeping the consistency!!!

Soooooooooooo, what's new with me? What's goin on with The Nickster? How am I?? Meh, not bad I s'pose. Reckon the burning issue right now has to be the tooth situation. Went to see the dennist on Tuesday, and he wants me back tomorrow (Thursday) to crown the mofo. He yanked some out on Tuesday, much to the chagrin of my gum, which decided to bleed profusely for about ten minutes thereafter. And now I gotta go back for the crown, which may be extremely expensive.

With that in mind, bring on the over-time baby!!!! Doin a normal shift tomorrow, but two hours of it will be on over-time pay (time and a half) and then I get the two hours back for the dentist, provided I have a reduced lunch break. Complicated I know. THEN I do the ten hour shift on Friday. 8am til 6:30pm. Gonna be a whopper. Shouldn't be too bad though coz I can hammer the stats early and take a subtle "break" while no-one's looking. Still hurts bein in the place so long on a Friday though......................

All of which will go towards payin for Saturday which is apparently an all-nighter in Le Kray, (dunno if you were aware of this but it is now a French club in a bid to justify Liverpool's 2008 European Capital of Culture thingymajig, following suit after Arriva's groundbreaking culture drive of Le Bus), to which all of you who read this must go. Without exception. It will bitch. Which I think sounds much better than saying "It will BE bitchING", don't you agree?

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!! Misinterpretation city duuuude! And again!!!!

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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