Bollukus Eventicus
Friday, May 27, 2005
  A blast from the past there. I'm sore.

"That which goes unsaid does not go unheard. Moreover, that which goes unheard does not go unsaid." (Nick Young, 2005)

It has been a rather uneventful week this week. Nothing of any great significance has happened, positive or negative. It even brings into question why one would wish to blog at this point, as there is really nothing to report or say. But I'm sure that I'll be able to release some eloquent ponderances (2-0) upon your optical sensors and penetrate your subliminal consciousness typically effortlessly. That said, I perch lackadaisically in a nullified stupor, aghast at the level of unfathomable incompetence by which I am surrounded.

As I am sure you can imagine, the prospect of the subsequent weekend is particularly attractive this week, extended of course by the terrifying thought of a Bank Holiday. What would happen if the banks really did go on holiday? You wouldn't be able to withdraw at a cash point, certainly no online banking would go on (ahem), and there would be no telephonic service with which the masses can assess the mess that is their financial status. Alliteration is a common tool used by the gifted, as illustrated in this day's musings. Trust me. "That which goes un-noticed does not go undetected." (Nick Young, 2005)

Yellow. What's that about? And while we're on the subject, what's with orange? The sun is cool an' all, but why must we attempt to replicate its glory in cloth? There can be no duplicate of greatness, as all those who aspire to be me are already aware. I commend thee for daring to dream, but limitations should always be implemented. Getting back to the point, should these colours not be outlawed? It is a travesty of monumental majesty that people are not only allowed to purchase such atrocities, but that companies are allowed to manufacture and distribute them, that designers are paid to concoct them and that those wise enough to neglect their existence are lambasted as dull "goffs". Sun-coloured conscription. The time is nigh......

Thought for the day: What's dian? And why are there so many millions in it? And how do they get out?!?! The same goes for donesian. Help them!

Come on people.................. 
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
  Mom? MOM?!?! It's MUM!!!!!! Jeez laweez .............

*Adopts Irish accent, somewhat reminiscent of a leprechaun* Twas a fun weekend that to be sure. *Drops accent* Friday night myself and Joey went for a meal in the Gulshan, which I'm sure some of you are familiar with, what with it being up your way an stuff. *Points to the Aigguy (pron. eggy) homies* It was pretty boss, delighted myself with Lamb Madras which, as those of you familiar with Indian cuisine will be aware, is a particularly hot dish. My gob was ablaze. Isn't it boss when you lob an 'a' in front of a word? The readers look on aghast, awaiting the next stroke of literary genius.......... Come on Milan!!!

Then Saturday was shopping in the morning (highly advisable in my opinion), followed by the FA Cup final and then the Eurovision song contest. Norway should so have won that. I want the WigWam album. Funny stuff, what with Joey asleep and me with all the snacks to myself!! Penalties so rule. *Adopts Yoda-style syntax* Humorous if Wednesday goes to penalties it shall be. Come on Milan!!!!!

A new trend has set in on the old Bloggeroo recently. No more do we see the short and sweet anecdotal posts of old, but, as a result of the somewhat sporadic postage, we now have deliberated, eloquent ponderances (1-0) accompanied by witty quips and humorous jestings. Gone are the days of the isolated emotional rant, which, although fun to write, are a bugger to read, and try to unravel. There is now a format that has settled into almost traditional status, and one hopes that y'all are enjoying what are undoubtedly the most Bloggerriffic musings you have ever seen!! Come on Milan!!!

There are three sights to behold this week. First is a seagull flying backwards against the wind over the Mersey. Second is managers clearly stressing over the crap they have to deal with. Third, and best of all, is female smack heads playing peanuts outside TJ Hughes on a sunny Wednesday afternoon. Great stuff I'm sure you'll agree, but none of this will even compare to seeing Paolo Maldini lifting the European Cup on Wednesday. Come on Milan!!!

We're gonna draw to a close now and leave you all with a thought for the day. If inserting an item of food into the cooling box is called refrigerating, how does one go about the act of frigerating? Moreover, why do we say "I'll put it in the refrigerator." yet we don't say "I'll put it in the refridge"?? Answers on a stick. Come on Milan!!

Don't tell me that!! I can't believe Anakin turns to the darkside. No point goin to see it now............

COME ON MILAN!!!!!!!!!! 
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
  Standards are dropping. Tut tut..............

Thai food is weird. Thai people are weird. It's slightly bemusing to me exactly why this place is so popular among tourists/travellers, as, by all accounts, the "surgery" is second to none, and from what I can tell, there is something of a lacking in natural beauty in its natives, and so one would never be able to certainly determine the genuine sexuality or gender of any new associates. Although such errors of judgement are horrifying in thought, maybe it is this thought that inspires such vast numbers of visitors to Siam. And if not, there's always the simple fact that you can say that you've been to Bangkok.

Do people allow other people to run their lives for them? Or do they simply create this myth so that said person THINKS that they are running someone else's life for them? That said, why is it that this is tolerated, and the sad git who thinks they're making someone happy is not simply told to do one. I'll tell you why. Because this sad git would kick up such a fuss and a storm that the misery of having your life run by someone else is not as bad as having to deal with a whiney, bitchy, self-depressive, superior, patronising, sad git on the rampage. People have differing tastes in music. People have varying genres of music in which they are interested. People do NOT like crap music AND good music. Sorry. Not this time. I had to say something. It's frightening. There is even a public parading of the dominance. It's more than public. It's actually worldwide. Or at least it could be. Happiness is not found through tolerance. It can be found through compromise. Sadly this is unattainable as sheer morbid ignorance is so abundant, that the tolerance is no longer even detected. It's not suspected. It's not even remotely expected. Eloquence is a gift. Ignorance is a sin. Tolerance is a virtue. Stupidity? It's forgivable. Even ignorance is forgivable. But when stupidity is combined with ignorance, the word 'ignoramus' does not even begin to describe the level of disdain I feel for this.

Phew. OK, rant out the way. Moving on, unfortunately I won't be in attendance for the weekend's festivities for The Snarl's big day. However, compensation shall be attained through the purchase of glorious giftage. Oh yes, the giftage shall be glorious.

Indian food is on the agenda this weekend, as it's been a fair while since we did that last. Probably gonna be Friday. Last Friday, I think it's fair to say that I was drunker than I have been in quite some time. Which is weird, coz I didn't really drink THAT much. Honestly, I was surprised to wake up and not recall significant chunks of the evening. It's not a good thing, especially when you're in a relationship. Blackmail and the like rear their ugly heads. "If you don't do exactly what I'll say, I'll tell everyone what you did last night." Bearing in mind you don't know what you did yourself, this is a scary notion. Plus you feel like crap, which doesn't help.

My body hates me. 
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Twas a cool weekend to be sure. Finally watched the end of The Omen on Friday - pretty cool, I'm sure most of you agree having seen it years ago. Also watched Damian: Omen II - also pretty good. I can see the third being a complete load of twaddle though, as trilogy conclusions usually tend to be (LOTR, Indiana Jones and The Matrix excepted). We shall soon see. (This weekend to be exact). Saturday we went to the BOTB gig at the uni, more about that later. This was followed by the customary Kray visit, which concluded with some rather dramatic, er, drama. All is well though and I look forward to our next Poo House excursion. Spot the sarcasm...

I got asked to check out CRM by the BIT TL and the BA DQA, got given the NID and direction to the BDAF tifs, but the DEs were fooked. I checked with my fellow SSA and the SCM (coz the other SSAs are off) and then he checked with, er, some other guy, and it was done. Nearly. So close...

As promised, the BOTB would be reviewed here. WeKindred they're called. I could say things in detailed description here, but I won't. That is reserved for those who request it. All I'm gonna do is say these three things:-

Atonal. Only better.
I have never seen secondnature play with a band as good as this.
Boss name.

Those who missed out missed out. You might not be into the music, you might not think it's the most innovative and intricate work ever, but it's worth watching. Maybe I'm biased, but you could say that about my opinion of other local unsigned bands. I am or I'm not.

Pirates came first. 
Thursday, May 05, 2005
  One time dammit, one time!!

Here is a ponderance (I am determined to incorporate this word into as many posts as possible from now on) – what is the scientific reason behind (and cure for) the highly irritating human deficiency that is (wait for technical description) getting a song in your head and not being able to get rid of it? I am actually extremely curious to know (ranging from Wild Boys by Duran Duran and Stay on These Roads by a-Ha to Loyalty by American Headcharge and Vent by ze Natureboys at my desk), so if anyone has a clue please feel free to tell me coz it's killing me!! Even though they are cool songs..........

Some of you might notice the new language use within the blog. There has been a distinct reduction in the employment of expletives with which to express myself. This is not a reflection of any emotional diminishment (another favourite new word) on my part. No, unfortunately, due to the new nature of my posting, I am inclined to resist such expletion (made that one up too, but it works) and am continuing to do so for the foreseeable. I want to. Oh believe me, I want to...........

I have never before mentioned anything in my blog even remotely football related (I don't think), so I won't.

How annoying is this? Just when you think that you've escaped Chav city and you're finding yourself in the upper echelon of professionalism, they go and have a Dress Down Day and you find yourself sitting opposite a check-clad Burberrite!! Normally I would mind.

Last night's Zanzi gig was excellent as always. Some interesting accompaniment this time around - cynical old veterans with nothing but humour to get them through, a potentially excellent band going in the right direction and an interesting attempt at something that I find difficult to describe. Going to school with performers makes it hard to be critical. It wasn't great. That wasn't too harsh I don't think. But once again you know who shone brighter than all around. I'll say no more. The Wrestlemania incident will continue to go unmentioned. Except for just then.

Having noticed a recent rise in the popularity of the "currently listening to" insertion at the end of some peeps' blogs, I have decided to partake in the hilarity and inform you, the beloved reader, what is penetrating my ears at time of blog concoction (it works, shut up). I can't decide whether or not it should replace the now infamous outro, as my blog wouldn't quite be my blog without it! (Come on, you love the intros as well!!) Interesting ponderance............... (Two in one post - YES!!) Note: these are really a reflection of what's in my head, not what I'm ACTUALLY listening to, what with bein in work an' all...

Currently listening to - "Recess" - ...secondnature... (a blast from the past, no?)

*Success rate ponderance* Did I go too far? 
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
  I prefer it when my pants are on!!

Avid readers of this blog (avid is a word that can and will now apply to any enthusiastic readers) will notice the new and improved blog description up there *points top right*. Don't hope y'all like it, coz I don't care! It would be nice but I ain't gonna be losin any sleep over it.

So Joey and myself went to see The Amityville Horror this week, and what a film it is! Normally when we go to see a horror flick I sit there crapping myself the whole way through wishing that the movie would end as soon as possible (most recent examples including The Grudge and White Noise). The Amityville Horror was no different to begin with. Then, when it did end, I was disappointed. Not in that the film let me down, but although I wanted it to end, once it did end I wished it hadn’t. Which leads me to conclude that I actually enjoyed this one. It was boss!!! Anyway, I'll move on before I become "formal film reviewer type guy".

OK, so my new email address for work (coz now I'm all important) is (confirming that is now defunct) and I have NO-ONE'S email address anymore so, all mail me!!! Also, congrats to Sir Noodle of Chickenville - you waited plenty long enough for that job and I'm chuffed you finally got it!! (It’s not my fault your Disclosure took ages btw! They suck despite me, not because of me). Things aren’t what they used to be but good to see we’re both happy! Mail!!

Thanks again goin out to the Skipperoo for the Bloggeroo. Doop-dee-doo. Whoop-dee-doo!! I'll go.

Don’t be scared........ 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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