Bollukus Eventicus
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
  Der ner ner da la ner ner.................................

So the heat is on. Three days to go before this strenuous month comes to a conclusion. The pressure has been magnificently applied by The Parrot (the boss - that's not what we call him, I just made it up). Not for the first time in my life, I am eagerly awaiting August more so than I have any other month this year, and not because the world will be crawling with kids for the entire four and a half weeks. Oh no, as I'm sure you can imagine, with the added money, interest and general job satisfaction that comes with my new employ, there comes extra responsibility and, therefore, pressure. Liability is the word, and it's not something I am accustomed to. Throughout my pre-now phase (isn't it just glorious?), I maintained that I wanted a job that I could go to, do easily, and then leave at the end of the day not having to worry about anything. I did that. For two and a half years I did that. And I liked it. Now that I've moved on, I'm happier than ever. I am going to thrive on situations like this. Where there is the finest line between success and failure, all that suffers is my lunchtime. My interest is engaged; you have my attention. Let’s rock this joint!!!

Today's Word of the Blog is rhombus. "Rhombus" - as defined by as "an equilateral parallelogram". It's one of my favourite words - it bounces off the lips quite sublimely, and superbly combines a number of the unique characteristics of our glorious language. The silent consonant, the Latin overture and the wonderful plurality that is rhombi are just a handful of the word's admirable qualities. An extremely strong entry I'm sure you'll agree.

So I know you all will have noticed that the problem that I had been encountering seems to have vanished - vanquished if you will. (Is it a coincidence that that word is so similar to 'squished'?) If Sunday night's post was not evidence enough, then you should certainly hope that you never get summoned for jury duty. God help the defendant in your case - they stand little chance of justice if that passed you by. Hehe, justice. The root of all entertainment............

Speaking of entertainment, do you not find it slightly amusing that the family of this Brazilian dude are threatening to "sue" the Police? I mean, think about the scenario for a moment. It's exactly two weeks since those bombs went off in London, more detonations have been heard that morning, you have a padded coat on and you're running around anxiously in a Tube station in the middle of London. Armed Police officers are pointing automatics at you and are screaming at you to stop. What do you do? I know - you run faster onto a departing train where there are hundreds of people, all of whom are already crapping themselves. Yeah, you don't deserve to die...............

Mercury and Bowie?! It'll never happen!!! 
Sunday, July 24, 2005
  Menacity is a cool word. Good films are good.

I have an interesting idea for a new theme. Word of the Blog. It would be easier, somewhat catchier and slightly more sensical, to name my new theme Word of the Day, or Word of the Week, but, what with the sporadic postage of the modern day bible, it would be far more appropriate to call it this. So I did. The first entrant in Word of the Blog is "Menacity". A rare link to the Nicktro I'm sure you'll agree, one I am sure a number of you can relate to. Remember, zero is a number. "Menacity" - as defined by Oxford's All New dictionary as non-existent. Watch this space for more editions of "Word of the Blog". It's a feature that will hastily become part of your every Blog lives. Again, note my brilliance.

News from the Nicktern Fornt - we're going to Prague!! When I say "we", I'm sure you will have guessed that I mean myself and Joey. October 3rd - we fly from Manchester to Prague, to meet a guy with our names on a board!! That has the dangerous potential of being the highlight of the week, but hopefully we can surpass it. Then we get driven to our 4-star hotel in the main Square to drink the best, and cheapest, beer on Planet Earth!!! You might even get the privilege of Bloggage from the Republic of Czechs, The Czech Republic, coz we have Internet access IN THE ROOM!!!! It will of course be in Czech, or at least Word of the Blog will be. It's gonna rule!!

Moving on from Czech-related Czechage, I just want to check with my bank that the cheque I wrote from my cheque book didn't bounce, so that I don't have to write another cheque from my cheque book, because if I don't keep a check on my cheques we won't be going to the Republic of Czechs, the Czech Republic, at all.

Checkin out baby................................ 
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
  What is left of them, now they are nothing?

So it seems that I, for some inexplicable reason, am unable to replicate the brilliance you see before you when situated at home. It is an unfathomable state of affairs really - you hold the key to the lock, yet the door will not open. And it is abundantly evident that the lock has not been changed, for today, as you can clearly see, the door is wide open and the key has not been changed. Nevertheless, it is still slightly concerning - imagine if what is behind the door is something so valuable, so precious and so indispensable, and you are unable to access it. Where do you go, where does the world take yours? It seems that, although we like to think it untrue, there really is no such thing as control. Pity the freaks.

Evil is an over-used word. Its meaning is extremely powerful, extremely meaningful, if you will. Yet it seems to undergo habitual employment, nay, deployment, that is, never for want of a better word, foolish. There is an argument that this word has never applied to a single human. Ask yourself for examples of true evil - you might come up with Adolf Hitler. A man who was responsible for the slaughter of millions of innocent people. But if you think about it, he had his reasons. You might not like them, but in his mind he was doing the world a favour. You might say had he been successful in his long-term mission, the world would be a peaceful place today. Because democracy totally works, obviously. Osama Bin Laden? The mastermind (not a misused word in this case) behind numerous devastating attacks on modern Western society, who also is in himself very much justified in his actions. A martyr to more people than most on Earth, he will take a lot of convicting. It will never happen in our society. I bet you don't see the News companies complaining - they're raking it in because of him. So there ARE winners when it comes to terrorism. Interesting. Harold Shipman? Arguably put a lot of people out of their misery with acts of "murder", publicly lamented for years, yet now there is rigorous campaigning to make what this man did legally justifiable. Or indeed, justifiably legal. Was he evil, or just ahead of his time? Jack the Ripper was definitely evil. I'm sure there were millions of devastated citizens who found the loss of his victims too much to bear, and who would dream in glorifying evil in entertainment? Shock horror..................... Oh yeah, but those girls were definitely evil. Evilly unattractive.

So it seems that once again, my working surroundings have inspired yet another bout of mischievous brilliance. It was inevitable really.

Controversy or controversy. This language rules. 
Friday, July 08, 2005
  So summer's been and gone............................

My friend it's good to see that you're finally standing up and embracing change. It's something we all have to go through, and, tough though it is, I know you can do it. Don't worry - we're all here for you if you need us. It's not easy, especially for someone in your position, to deal with change. It is part of human nature to have a certain dependency on familiarity, and it is perfectly understandable that you would be concerned with the changes that you are faced with. I'm here to tell you, that it's OK. It's alright. You don't have anything to worry about. It's great to hear that you're finally starting to grow pubes.

So the Nature Boys were on fine form once again on Saturday. As expected, the foreseen (hehe, how redundantly brilliant) out-performance of said "headliners" Days of Worth went by rather smoothly. Frankly they sucked balls so it wasn't difficult, but still shiny. I sense the arrival of a new anthem. But I won't go into detail. Wednesday's Zanzi gig should be cool as well, and might I suggest a better accompanying line up to boot. Still, one can't complain. Chips, cheese and beans an' all that stuff...........

I've been waiting, for quite some time now, for the announcement that there is to be a gathering in a flat somewhere. Preferably of someone that I actually know obviously. I realise that it's not every other week that we can be having all these people come round and destroy your home without a second thought, but one hopes that it won't be too long before the next residential social gathering. You may or may not remember the to-do over a certain Snarl's birthday a wee while back. Silly as it sounds, there is still giftage to undertake, and said giftage, as promised, is quite frankly rather astronomically magnificent, not only in quality, but also in size, to a certain degree. It is for this reason that I have been unfortunately unable to deliver such giftage at recent gatherings, as it would be unreasonable to expect to cart this round, for example, the Kray for 5 hours before departing for the leisure of one's abode. So get on with it someone.

I've got two weeks to go on my secondment. Keep it here for an update on the state of play - hopefully I'll find out sooner rather than later as to whether or not I'm here to stay, coz it's beginning to ruffle one's usual casuality. No, not casualty. I don't get it wrong. I reckon I might stand a better chance if I don't waste time sitting round doing nothing but blogging, so, on that note........

Chicken, beef, curry, SUPER!!! 
Friday, July 01, 2005
  Ah it's like the good old days....................

Some of you may or may not be aware (well actually al of you, if you think about it) that as of late Skippy has been blogging for me, coz the Interent in work lacks the standard requirements. Alas, here I am at home, on the new PC, typing away. It's almost surreal - I'm having flashbacks to 18 months ago, when this what I did all day. Just sit round playin Yahoo! pool an bloggin every once in a while. It's great this. The only problem is having to take a day's leave to do it!! Still, this is what I call chillin out!

Anyway, cool weekend comin up. Gonna go see Batman Begins tonight, then tomorrow, after my eye test (first one in 4 years - oops), it's the Nature gig in the Kray. Expectations are high and the pressure is on. Every week it seems like they're out-performing the headline band they're "supporting" - can they do it again this time round? Then next Wednesday it's off to the Zanzibar to see em again, this time with WeKindred, which I am really lookin forward to. Should be a boss gig, the first of many I personally hope.

It's strange - I somehow am struggling to find my natural ability to wow the audience at this time, I think it''s the unfamiliar surrounding!!! (Lived here 21 years, but hey). So I'm off to wash my filthy self. The three 'sh's are on the way.


Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


07.03 / 08.03 / 09.03 / 10.03 / 11.03 / 12.03 / 01.04 / 02.04 / 03.04 / 04.04 / 05.04 / 06.04 / 07.04 / 08.04 / 04.05 / 05.05 / 06.05 / 07.05 / 08.05 / 09.05 / 10.05 /

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