Bollukus Eventicus
Monday, September 19, 2005
  Now that's a leg drop!!

Interesting week - took Friday off last week to go out on a day of delight with the delicious Doherty. We ferried it to Seacombe Aquarium in the morning and took in a superb dancing crab as well as a kick-ass lobster the size of your head. We then walked along the river side to New Brighton (NOT 15 minutes away, like some people said), stopping at a couple of pubs along the way. We decided to have a larf in the arcade for a bit an then had a game of bowling, followed by fish 'n' chips on a bench whilst being haunted by a flock of seagulls. Ahem....

This was all in aid of one's birthday, which was yesterday (Sunday). Cheers to all of y'all that wished me a goodun, apologies for the belated replies to them as I was unable to respond to emails in work (coz I wasn't there - fair enough I'm sure you'll agree), and the phone battery died due to my neglectful recharge program management. Just in case you cared (I'm sure you don't), I got the new Fear Factory disk, Lemony Snickett DVD, a cool shirt, another cool shirt, a cool book, a bit of cash and the usual portion of flumpage. Not to mention a good few cards too.

Apologies to those who were hoping/expecting birthday celebrations, I did not neglect thee. Due to a determination to not be hungover on the day, and to have at least one suitable "alone" celebration with the lady (no, not that), the gathering of friends was, rudely, I admit, postponed. However, it is my intention to make amends for this, albeit somewhat badly timed. Depending on one or two peeps and if one or two things fall into place, somethin could be happenin this weekend, but y'all shall hear via email (it's free) if so, or indeed not. Tell me where to go if you want.......

Which manoeuvres me marvellously into the next measure of mesmerising magnificence of my merry murmur. Today's Word of the Blog is Ceremony. Defined by as "Ceremony" - a formal act or set of acts performed as prescribed by ritual or custom, or to summarise, a traditional, and otherwise pointless, event. I choose this word today not just because I like it, but because I wish to address a growing concern of mine, whether it be of mine exclusively or indeed of numerous others. The reason I wish to gather as a group I once held closest to me more than any other is not purely ceremonial, obligatory, if you will, but for a presence of want, desire. I truly miss the social gatherings upon which we regularly embarked. I admit that the blame is mine considerably, however, due to a new-found stubborn hatred for all things Kray, I find it increasingly difficult to appease such habits. As a result, friendships that might have flourished have diminished. Acquaintances that might have become friends have drifted away, merely representing a ceremonial hello on a street corner at lunchtime. The point is readers, the hole is here. Unfortunately, it's here to stay, coz I don't dig upwards. I am willing to attempt to dig sideways, if only someone would toss me a ahovel. I'm not one for clichés, but I believe I have indeed grown out of the Saturday night life that Liverpool offers. And though I admit that I knew this would limit opportunity to mingle with those whose company I used to value most, I regret that it has been reduced to this. Help me to do something about it. I exclude myself unwillingly - reprieve is all I ask.

Given that I just spilled my heart without actually intending to do so, I think it's time to wrap this one up. Given also that I have to be back in work at 22:30 tonight, I'd better go prepare some drugs.

If he can have it, why can't I? 
Sunday, September 11, 2005
  If only Blogger could sing to you all, what a delight it could have been.......

It seems Miss Interpretation is in town again, and what a welcome guest she is. There's nothing like a bit of idiom to fire up a good old fashioned bloodfest. Or maybe frust-fest. I'll leave you to think about it, shouldn't take too long. It's been brewing for a week or two now, and it took an injection of Bolluk to really set things alight. The dreaded hyperlink, removed of all subtlety, has been fired, and was followed by a vicious slab of pseudo-alliterised ravings from a sad lonely soul, for whom I have only mockery, albeit slightly Miss Understood. Of course, the idea of the retention of pretentious youthful exuberance must be entertained, hence the double entendre theme you may or may not have noticed. What concerns me however, is the sheer lack of intellect application from someone who you would assume was at least quite clever, given the fact that, oh no, wait, degrees and qualifications aren't really all that hard to come by in Double Drivel and Drivel Composition, so maybe I should have seen this coming......

Which takes us nicely on this wonderful journey together into today's Word of the Blog - Controversy. Defined by as "Controversy" - a dispute between sides holding opposing views. Not the most elegant of definitions I'm sure you'll agree, but it's origin is quite fascinating. Derisive of the Latin word Controversus, versus being the past participle of "versere", meaning to turn, it can be pronounced in two different ways, but we won't go into too much detail. I wouldn't want to make myself appear something I'm not. Go Patchie!! Wooooo!!!!

As entertaining and enlightening as I hope this has been, I feel somehow that there is something missing from this. Can't quite put my finger on it though. I suppose you might say I haven't quite nailed the usual judgemental casting, might I even say broadcasting of my view on the blogs by which we are surrounded, DING!!! It just hit me - the brightest concept of our generation - semi-circular hypocrisy. Doubtless you know exactly what I mean, otherwise, well, I won't tell you, coz that might spoil the fun.

Isn't it just beautiful......? Juvenile, moi? 
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  Didn't know Michael Flatley was a Liverpool supporter. Ah well........

There's nothing like a bit of good old animosity to stir up some interest in a blog. Where's it been all this time? A step back in time this, I miss those days. Call me what you will, but it's entertaining. Or at least it could be, if it's done properly. We all know who you're on about, so why not just name names and stop fannying about you pair of fags?! I know you want to. Oh no wait, of course, you're above all that juvenile nonsense, aren't you? I forgot. Ahem...

Today's Word of the Blog is Decepticon. Defined by The Official Dictionary of Bitchwaxianese as "Decepticon" - an evil transforming robot hailing from Cybertron hell bent on destroying the Autobots and their affiliates, in order to gain the ultimate victory in the Cybertronian wars. Led originally by Megatron and then by Galvatron (Megatron was galvanised by Unicron in the movie, it's not that hard), the Decepticons will stop at nothing to destroy all Autobot life, chasing them across space to Planet Earth to do so. Just so you know, Autobot will never feature in Word of the Blog, because it's a crap name.

It's September again. It’s always been a mixed bag of emotion, what with the return to school and the birthday. Subsequently, I, somewhat inevitably I suppose, consistently received school equipment as birthday presents, which I would have got anyway had my birthday fallen in April. But then, I'm the neglected middle child. So I'm used to that kind of treatment. What? Neglected? You have a home with your family don't you? How can you claim to be neglected?! Do shut up.

Have you ever logged on to Blogger, and then realised that you have nothing to write? I suppose you probably have, but what do you do? Do you just decide you can't be bothered, do you sit there thinking and thinking for as long as it takes until you finally come up with some worthless drivel, or do you turn to something for inspiration? If the latter, to what do you turn? Or indeed, whom? Or where? I'm intrigued to know why people write the things they write, although given that the majority of the blogs that I read I would certainly hazard a guess at answer number two. I mean, there is the idea that a blog is yours and you may do with it what you will, but I don't subscribe to the notion that it should just be used like a public diary. I mean, who really cares about what I did last Wednesday evening? Honestly? So come on, make it interesting! I don't care whose hair you dyed, or whose house you went to for brunch. Unless it's out of the ordinary, I doubt anyone else does either. The people demand entertainment!!!

I just entered a raffle to win spray tan. Ironic, no? 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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