Bollukus Eventicus
Friday, January 30, 2004
  Ouch. No word of a joke, seriously - ouch.

So no updates for a week and I was gonna do one sayin how my new job's been goin an stuff, but instead I'm just gonna go on about what's happened today and do the job thing later, when I care.

So yeah. I'm on my way to work this mornin, crossin a road in town by Victoria Street, when out of nowhere I trip on a uneven grid cover, go flyin on my face (literally) and sit on the ground watching a bus screeching to a halt in order to avoid completely crushing me. So now I'm pretty fucked up, as you can imagine. After crawling to the side of the road, I spat blood everywhere and nearly fell over again coz I was dizzy. Then a couple of kind women came and tried to help me, one gave me a tissue to clean my gushing mouth with. Upon dabbing my mouth, I looked at the tissue and noticed some weird creamy type coloured bits on it. Only then did I realise that I had totally destroyed one of my front teeth. So she took me to her building where she worked (ironically the Liverpool City Council building) and then I realised that I had a huge gash in my chin too which was bleeding everywhere. So I sat down til my mum came to pick me up.

She arrived and we were off to the dental hospital. They x-rayed my skull for damage and its fine thankfully, but they dont know if my tooth can be saved. They've put a temporary cap thingy on it til I go see my own dentist on Tuesday and then we'll see what's gonna happen. After they told me this they stitched up my chin for me (1 and a half inches of cut). Sadly they had to cut bits out of my beard so it looks like that's comin off now too.

So for any of you who are still caught up in this "Oh look at him trying to be like Dave" thing, then hey you're more right than you were before coz now I have fucked up front teeth and scars too!! *Finger*

Bad day. Oh ho bad bad day..................................... 
Friday, January 23, 2004
  Hmmmm no updates from Bong in a fair while..............

So today I got my letter absolutely confirming my appointment at Capita. Apparently the "checks" and references were fine, despite the previously mentioned cafuffle over them. Pissed off though coz I gotta start on Monday!!! Couldn't believe it. I have no time to go buy clothes that fit, no preparation to enjoy my last free weekend (y'know free as in you don't feel suicidal Sunday evening?) and I can't even take the time out to watch the Royal Rumble. Well I could, but that means stayin up til 4am the night before starting a new job, an I'm thinkin maybe no. Maybe...............

I did get to sign OFF today though, which is fun. Although when I asked for money to buy my new work clothes with they said I had to be unemployed for 6 months, and I haven't. Only 3 sadly. Poor me. But yeah pain in the ass I gotta wear shirt and tie!!! Can't believe it!!! I look a dick (a scummy one at that) and it's so uncomfortable. I'm gonna be pushin for Own Clothes days left, right an centre................

And so comes the last free weekend of my pitiful existence. Too dramatic? Yeah thought so................ 
Thursday, January 22, 2004

So I'm sitting here playin Yahoo! Pool (it rocks) and this 52 year old woman from Yorkshire comes on, and starts kickin my ass! So I'm thinkin it was a fluke, so I play her again. Four games later I'm stormin out after losin five in a row to a granny. Well granny-ish. I have never felt so inadequate in all my life. When 52 year olds are usin "asl" and "lol" you know it's time to go do somethin other than sit at your computer!! I still kick ass at it though.

I gotta sign on today, hopefully for the last time. There's been a big cafuffle over my references with Capita but I'm hopin that it's sorted out now so I can go work for em and earn some money!! Dunno what the JobCentre are gonna say about my hair either. I dont even know if Capita are gonna disapprove to be honest!! It's tough shit though so HA!

Yeah I'm likin my hair now I'm used to the feel of it an stuff so it's a good thing!! It kinda pisses me off tryin to sleep so I'm a bit knackered but apart from that I like it. It's cool too coz I can do different things with it, whereas before I just had this thing on my head that wasnt goin anywhere. SO annoyin...................

Wow that was another borin post........................ 
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
  Such pain.......................!!

So yeah I have braids in my hair. Black and red ones. Thanks to Caiti for doin em!! I really like them and although I look just a tad stoned with them in, I reckon theyre a good thing. But they dont come without a price! Ten hours, yes TEN hours, of sitting still getting my head pulled and tugged in every direction known to man. By the end I was hurting in so many places it was hard to know where to rub. My back, my ass, my neck, my legs, my head..........................

But anyway I've got em now. I didnt sleep much either coz theyre not all that comfy to be honest, plus it still hurts to touch my head even with my hand so lying on it isnt good at all. Is it supposed to hurt this much? Looks cool though! I just hope the pain subsides after a few days coz otherwise I cant see this lastin long. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyways y'all will see the cause of my torture tonight if youre at the secondnature gig in Hannahs. Again its 8:30 I think its gonna be startin. Not entirely certain though. Anyways, be there!!! I also have tickets for the Fudge gig on the 5th of February for £2 if anyone wants to buy one or more! I'll have them with me tonight provided I dont forget!!!!

Thassall from me for now!!! Much pain............................ 
Sunday, January 18, 2004
  Cool weekend.

So Thursday it all began with the excellent news of me actually getting the Capita job. Go me!!! Then spent the evening at Joey's, which is always fun. Friday came and after spendin most of the day with her I later went to George's for the first time in yonks, and then headed up to Beccie D's for a wee (very wee actually) shindig. Noodle Boy was there which was cool but then me an George headed off into Town for a night in the Kray. It was really cool actually, considerin it was a Friday. Met Pete in there and then my lurvely Joey came along with her friends Amy and Mary.

I drank way too much Sambuca but it was still fun. It was a real good larf the whole night (well most of it anyway) and then I spent pretty much the whole weekend in Joey's. We had a "picnic", which consisted of alcohol, crisps and chocolate, so as you can imagine we had a fun time!!

And so it's on to next week. Tomorrow is Joey's first day in her new job thingy in a charity shop on Lord Street, then Tuesday is the Battle of the Bands gig at Hannah's which will get another mention between now and then believe me!!!

Looking goooooooooooooooooooooooodddd!!! 
Thursday, January 15, 2004
  OK screw that last entry!!!!! (Cept the Nature bit)

Soon as I published that last post, the letter drops in the house sayin I GOT IT!!!! It's dependin on checks and references but I'm thinkin it's a formality now so soon I'll be workin again an I'll have money!

I feel a drink coming on....................... 
  Yo yo yo.................!!!

Not much to report today still waitin to hear about the Capita job. Honestly think it'll be a while yet too coz they took 3 weeks to respond to my application. But yeah apart from that not much else goin on with me at the mo.

I suppose now wouldn't be a bad time to draw everybody's attention to the secondnature gig next Tuesday. It's the second round of Battle of the Bands and it looks like it's gonna be goin on votes so EVERYBODY'S support will be greatly appreciated. It's at Hannah's Bar. Gonna be £3 or £4 entry an it's due to start round 8ish so get yer asses down there!!!!!

Ta-ra for now!! 
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
  Things are lookin up at last............!!

Bumped into Mr Marr today I knew I'd see someone when I was wearin my smart-ass gear. Typical................

So yeah it was of course my assessment today (yesterday technically) and I honestly think it went well! Started with a data entry keyboard assessment. I cocked up big time but they gave me another go and I was cool. Made a basic error and they gave me the benefit of the doubt so I dont think it'll count against me. Then was the, er, spelling test............. Now I'm not an arrogant person but I can spell my ass off. 39 out of 40 guaranteed. The other one isn't even in the Oxford Dictionary (oh I checked when I got home) so if I got it wrong it's hardly my fault!

Then came the proof-reading thing which really was either an absolute insult to mine and everybody else's intelligence, or I was doin it wrong and I cocked up big time. Only time will tell......................... The interview was next. I walked it! Honestly I seriously know for a fact I did well coz I was only in there for 10 minutes and normally if you're not doin so good they'll keep you in there and give you a chance to redeem yourself, so I know that went well. Last was the letter writing and hey, I'm a writer, so no problems there either!! So all in all twas a success! Keep it here for news!

I'm SO deletin this post when I get my rejection letter........................ 
Monday, January 12, 2004
  Serious jobhunt on now..................

So yeah its my assessment tomorrow with Capita. Two hours!!!! Eesh ah well as long as they give me money by the end of it all!! I'm strugglin for pants all the ones I've got that are smart are too short for me! I look really weird in them too coz I havent worn non-baggy pants in about a year I forget how much I hate my legs! Also I hate the shirts I have. AND I dunno whether to go with the Neo coat or somethin a little less eye-catching. Then again it is quite smart. AND I have to wear golf shoes coz they're the only smart shoes I own, except my New Rocks an I reckon thats pushin it. But yeah keep it here tomorrow to see how it all went down!!

I also applied for another job today with MFI. No not in the shop but doin admin work for them. The money isnt great but I'm at the stage now where I just need somethin to keep me goin. Gonna be sendin off for another one tomorrow too. That one is workin for Liverpool Museum and the money is good but I dont fancy my chances coz it's a big-ass form with all competencies an shit and my limited experience might not be enough to carry me to interview...............................

It's all go go go.................. 
Saturday, January 10, 2004

Hehe sorry for that little outburst just there I'm not pleased with bein stuck in the house on a Saturday night if I'm honest. Which I usually am. Honest, that is. Yup there ain't no money to fund a night out for the Nickster, what with bein somewhere between £220 and £240 overdrawn. Reckon I should cool off the spendin now til I have some dosh. Can't believe I'm actually waiting on dole payments to fund my fun.

On the upside I do have an assessment on Tuesday for a jod with Capita. Job, even. Bad news is that it's two fuckin hours long!!! Apparently it entails a keyboard test, spelling and grammar test, proof reading, letter writing and an interview. Its weird too coz it's not til 5pm, so I'm gonna be there til 7ish, which is a weird time for such things if you ask me. But then you didn't, did you........................?

Anyway hopin I get it (obviously) coz then I'll be back to the working Joe we all know and, er, we'll leave it there shall we........................ 
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
  Well it's been a few days............

So today is a kinda landmarky type thing - three months for me and my lovely Joey. It's good. I'm kinda pleased - I never thought anyone would put up with me this long. I know I've been on the edge a couple of times and it's no-one's fault but mine and I pretty much know that happens coz, well, it's me! Which probably means I'll be on the edge plenny of times, which is the reason I think people don't put up with me for long!! Ah well still goin strong. Love you baby! xxx

Some recap due here twas Bro's 24th birthday on Saturday (3rd) so there was a big piss-up in Ali and Sef's to mark the occasion. Rest of the Boys were there along with their girlies as well as me an Joey. Had a good larf I was seriously hammered by the end of the night - I have gaps again. :P I was fine on my crate of Carlsberg until once I'd run out I downed a very strong vodka and coke and then had a glass of red wine on top of that, which pretty much pushed me over the edge. Still a larf though.

Sunday I was particularly hungover, which wasn't fun coz I went to the pub with Joey and her parents. Her dad was just laughin at me coz of it but I feel really bad coz they make a good effort to talk to me and usually I'm very responsive but I just wasn't up to it this time. I'm not happy with how it went I felt like I was bein really rude, but I was just too eurgh to do anythin about it. But they still invited me home for dinner so they mustn't hate me!! Least I hope not....................

I gotta go the dentist to day which sucks I'm havin TWO fillings, yes TWO!! I'm not scared or owt it's just a pain in the ass coz it's kinda borin y'know? Ah well it'll be over soon.

Then Thursday is my next official engagement the Natureboys playin at the Carling Academy which should be cool. Playin with Sacculus and Central Dense so should be a good gig you should come!! Don't think I'm talkin about someone else, coz I'm not. I'm talking to YOU! 
Thursday, January 01, 2004
  Wow that was a long post!

So here we are. It's 2004 and do I feel different? Yes and no actually. I feel normal, perfectly normal. Thing is, I shouldn't coz I was pissed last night so I'm thinkin where's the hangover?! I really hope it's not one of those deals where the hangover comes a day late, coz that's just mean. Plus I'm meant to be out for drinks tomorrow and if I'm hungover I won't be up to scratch!!! So while I'm on the point, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKIPPY!!!!!!!

Was in Skip's for new year with most of the Natureboys and their girlies. Of course Joey was there too we all had a decent larf and got suitably drunk, some more than others I think it's fair to say, but mentioning no names......................

So my New Year's resolution for 2004 is to get my ass in gear and find me a job. I've been "looking" for ages now but it's time to get serious coz I need to be drunk far more often than I am these days! It's really good to be able to look ahead to a year with no forseeable setbacks. Last year I kinda knew that at some point I was gonna lose my job, plus I'm particularly excited this time round coz I don't have to look ahead to another twelve months alone. It's such a good feeling to take on a new year with someone by your side from the outset, and it really is the only thing holding me together right now! I'll shurrup now before I sound really sad..................

Is it wrong to hate people? I mean, surely if someone has done something to hurt you badly, you're well within your rights to hate them. But what if they haven't done anything to you? Is it wrong to hate them simply for who they are? Certain people have certain ways about them that are just infuriating. There's not necessarily anythin wrong with it, but sometimes you just wanna be able to loathe someone with all you have, purely because of their ways. Is hate a word that is thrown around too much when people don't mean it? Or even do people mean it, and everyone is too harsh?

Equally so, is love a word that is thrown around too easily? Do people even know themselves well enough to be able to use these words? If the answer to that question is "at some point", then how do we know when? People always fail to define the word 'love', even though they always try and have some misconception of correctness. But then if 'love' is undefinable, does the same not go for the word 'hate'? Just a thought..........................

Wow I bet you thought I was really going somewhere with that didn't you? Well I'm not, but pondering these things tells me one thing. I'm in a position where I really don't have a lot to worry about, so my mind goes a-wanderin off to all kinds of places. This then tells me that now is the time to find me a job. Which means I'm bored. I am now at the point where I set aside time to do the niggly little things you just wish you didn't have to do when you're busy coz they're so insignificant, but they're now a major part of my day. Like something as simple as showering. I really do need a job now folks!!

Most pointless post ever............................ 

Read and learn as the master of all things flumptastic embarks upon a remarkable journey into his recent past. Both exsquisite and mesmerising it shall prove to be - enjoy.


Skippety Skip
"Lady" H
Noodle Boy
Guy Who Sat Behind Me
Mr 779/Sex Pest
The Snarl


The Mighty Spurs
The Unitiative
Kids of the Kray
Kray Chat
Nature Chat
Nutty Chat


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